We'd like to welcome our new Assistant Principal, Mrs. Kristy James. We are so excited that she will be joining us here. Make sure you say hi to her when you see her. Welcome to Mesa, Mrs. James.
5 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
Our phenomenal librarian and school counselor won the district employee of the year awards. We're so happy for them. So many amazing staff members at Mesa Grande.
5 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
Congratulations to our employees of the year, Ms. Smith and Mrs. Sewell. Well-deserved awards!!
5 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
Recently, we had our Welcome Wagon students at school, getting ready to greet everyone. Here they are, hoping you have a great school year.
6 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
Hi Mustang Families! The start of the school year is just days away and we're so excited to see everyone! We've included some very important information for you here, so please read carefully. We hope to see you at our Meet the Teacher Night, this Wed. August 7th, at 5:00! We're looking forward to another AMAZING school year! #GoMesaMustangs
6 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
Future Mesa kindergarten families. Join us on Tuesday, August 6, at 1:00 pm for a Kindergarten Workshop. Learn how to get your child ready for kindergarten. Hope to see you there.
6 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
Mesa families. From 8/3 to 8/25, come to dd's Discount store, and shop for all of your back to school needs. You can leave a donation at the registers. All funds raised will go towards purchasing new books for Mesa Grande. Thank you for your support.
6 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
Mesa families. If you would like more information about our wonderful school, check out our Mesa Family Manual. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ETvJCDz_m2XKV48PPJezD2xu1Q8opW1TGHY1eP_FhKg/edit?usp=sharing Familias de Mesa. Si desean más información sobre nuestra maravillosa escuela, consulten nuestro Manual para familias de Mesa. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZzT4oyUBtn0cDDxovDleQNZM3ahYvqgKmEqbxbm7NBA/edit?usp=sharing
6 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
Mesa families- Here is a resource to help you get ready for the new school year. :)
6 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
Future Mesa kindergarten families. Join us on Tuesday, August 6, at 1:00 pm for a Kindergarten Workshop. Learn how to get your child ready for kindergarten. Hope to see you there.
6 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
California Department of Public Health (CDPH) will be hosting a Vaccination event on: June 12th from 9am-12pm at the Hesperia Unified School District. Note: This event is not organized or implemented by HUSD.
8 months ago, Hesperia Unified
Vaccine flyer English
Vaccine flyer Spanish
Here is the link for last week's evening choir concert: https://bit.ly/MGEChoir2024
8 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
Here are some of the comic books that students in Mrs. Llacuna's and Ms. Reynoso's after school Comic Book Club. What an amazing job! What a great after school idea, too! :)
8 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
Here is how Ms. Gomez brings social emotional learning to her kindergarten students. Their calm down area has stuffed animals they can hold when they are experiencing big feelings. Also, it has posters to help students identify how they are feeling. The kiddos utilize the corner by taking a break if they need one. They also have a feelings wall that was created by the kids. They wrote how they feel when they experience feelings of happiness, sadness, anger, surprised, scared, and excitement. Nice!
8 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
Mrs. Aguayo's TK/K class has been learning about dinosaurs. Today, they cracked open dinosaur eggs to see which baby dinosaur they would find. They sure enjoyed this fun activity,
8 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
Students from Mrs. Mack's sixth grade class have been learning about Greek mythology. Recently, they made Greek gods and goddesses out of bottles for their informational reports. Aren't these pretty cool?
8 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
An event you won’t want to miss. Come be part of something incredible.
8 months ago, Hesperia Unified
HUSD Games Post
The Force is strong with these students, as they build Star Wars Lego sets in Mr. and Mrs. Dynes' after school Lego club. Most impressive!
9 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
For social emotional learning, every day, Mrs. Ramirez's class has their morning meeting where students greet each other and they talk about their monthly character trait focus.
9 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
More students enjoying their after school club. This time, it's an Arts & Crafts club. What a great way to end the school day!
9 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary