HUSD is excited to partner with Think Together to offer fun activities, enrichment and care during the upcoming fall break, October 7-11th. The program is free for HUSD elementary students and transportation is available. For more information, see the attached flyer or visit to sign up today! Registration is required.
4 months ago, Hesperia Unified
Fall Think together Flyer English
Fall Think together Flyer Spanish
Mesa families- Here's an opportunity for your children to be rewarded for reading. Check out the Hesperia Library. :)
4 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
What's great about Mesa Grande? Students that get to learn while having fun. Mrs. Llacuna's class presented Aesop's Fables. They looked great in their costumes and showed tremendous acting ability. Way to go!
4 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
What's great about Mesa Grande? Our Family Community Liaison. If you want to know how to volunteer at our school or are looking for community resources, feel free to ask Ms. Rebeca. She is more than willing to help you.
4 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
What's great about Mesa Grande? Our Welcome Wagon students! This group of students gave up their afternoon to help clean-up Olive St., from 7th to Santa Fe. What a great group of kiddos.
4 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
What's great about Mesa Grande? Our after-school clubs. These are pictures from our current Puzzle Club. Mrs. Llacuna and Mrs. Anderson do a great job working with these kiddos. We love offering after-school clubs.
4 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
What's great about Mesa Grande? Our parent group (PTSC)'s "Mustang Student Store." Every other Wednesday, students can purchase really cool items during recess and lunch recess. The next one is on October 16th.
4 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
Student Store
Mesa families- Here is a copy of our Parent and Family Engagement Policy.
4 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
What's great about Mesa Grande? Our nurse, Ms. Special. She is so kind and caring. So many kiddos love saying 'hi' to her. She makes our school a better place to be.
4 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
What's great about Mesa Grande? Our front office staff. They are a wonderful group of ladies who are here for you and your kids. They are kind, compassionate, and friendly. We are blessed to have such an amazing front office staff.
4 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
Soc Media
What's great about Mesa Grande? Our Marvelous Mustangs program. Each month, our proctors choose one student per grade level who has shown fantastic behavior in the cafeteria. These students are polite, clean-up after themselves, and obey the cafeteria staff. They are treated to a special dining area with a fabulous ice cream dessert.
4 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
Mesa Mustang Students
For Patriot's Day, students were asked to wear red, white, and blue. Here are some of our little patriots, wearing the flag's colors.
4 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
What's great about Mesa Grande? Our "Attendance Hero" program. Each Monday, we randomly choose one student who had perfect attendance the week before. The chosen student wins lots of fun prizes. This week's hero was Ally. Way to go, Ally!
4 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
Tomorrow, 9/11, is Patriot's Day. We will be wearing our red, white, and blue tomorrow to show our pride in America.
4 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
Patriot's Day
Mesa families. Do you want to know which absences are excused, and which are not? Here is that information for you.
4 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
Congratulations to Imelda Chavez! She won our drawing because she follows our school and PTSC on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for being involved and keeping up-to-date with what we are doing here at Mesa Grande.
4 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
Congratulations to Gabriela Chavez! Her son was here every day in August. He was a Monthly Motivated Mustang, and she was our monthly raffle winner! If you want a chance at winning, make sure your child is here everyday. Thanks.
4 months ago, Mesa Grande Elementary
California Department of Public Health (CDPH) will be hosting a Vaccination event on: Friday, September 13 from 2 pm-5 pm at the Hesperia Unified School District. For more info see:
4 months ago, Hesperia Unified
California Department of Public Health (CDPH) will be hosting a Vaccination event on: Wednesday, August 14 from 2 pm-5 pm at the Hesperia Unified School District. For more info see:
5 months ago, Hesperia Unified
HUSD is excited to partner with Think Together to support expanded learning opportunities for our elementary students after school during the 2024-2025 school year. To register your child, you can go to You can also find phone numbers for site-specific questions on our district website at: HUSD se complace en colaborar con el programa después de clases "Think Together", para apoyar las oportunidades de aprendizaje ampliadas para nuestros alumnos de primaria después de clases durante el año escolar 2024-2025. Para inscribir a su hijo, puede entrar a; También puede encontrar números de teléfono para preguntas específicas de cada escuela en nuestro sitio de internet del distrito en;
5 months ago, Hesperia Unified
Think together flyer English
Think together flyer Spanish