Krystal School Site Council Ballot
Please vote!
Last day to vote is September 4th.
Good Morning Krystal Families -
Zoom is currently experiencing a nation-wide outage with users unable to start or join meetings. Zoom is working on the issue but at this time, we do not have an estimated time of when it will be working again.
In the meantime, check your child's Google Classroom/websites for the updates and school work for today. This outage will not impact student attendance. We will continue to post updates as we receive them.
So far we are off to a great start as we journey into our third week of distance learning. Thank you teachers for all of your hard work! We are also grateful for the family support in helping students to be successful. Please check our website or use the links below to view a letter from Mrs. Garibay. Information about distance learning can be found on our website as well! #WeAreKrystal
Letter in English:
Letter in Spanish:
Hello Krystal 4th, 5th & 6th Grade Students!
Are you interested in playing an instrument this school year? Visit Mr. Ingram’s website for more information on how to sign up. The last day to sign up is August 25th.
Mr. Ingram’s Website:
How to Video:
¡Hola alumnos de 4º, 5º y 6º año de Krystal!
¿Estás interesado en tocar un instrumento este ciclo escolar? Visita el sitio de internet del Sr. Ingram para obtener más información sobre cómo apuntarte; el último día para hacerlo es el 25 de agosto.
Sitio de internet del Sr. Ingram:
Video de instrucciones:
Follow this link for additional tech resources provided by our district.
*Updated* Third Grade Virtual BTSN Videos:
Sorry Families, the wrong link was sent out. This link will be updates as videos are published. Have a great night!
Kindergarten Virtual Back to School Night Presentations:
Videos can be found under "Meet Your Teacher"
We are aware of a power outage that is scheduled on the first day of school, August 6 for certain areas of the Mesa. We would just like to notify all our families that attendance and participation will not be counted against students that are unable to login to our learning platforms due to this outage.
5th Grade Virtual Back to School Night Presentation:
1st Grade Virtual Back to School Night Presentation
Hello Krystal Families:
If you missed the phone call, see the link below for the message sent out by Mrs. Garibay on 8/3/20.
If you purchased a 2019-2020 yearbook, PTC will start handing out yearbooks on Monday, August 3rd from 9:00-12:00. PTC will be in the bus circle off of Farmdale, please drive through, stay in your car, and give PTC your child's name. If you were placed on the yearbook "waiting list," please bring $25 (CASH) and we will have a yearbook for you. We do have a limited supply of extra yearbooks that will be available on a first come, first served basis. If you are unable to come on Monday, please call the office AFTER Aug. 3rd to schedule an appointment to pick up your yearbook.
Good Morning Krystal Families,
This is just a reminder that school begins on August 6th with distance learning. It is extremely important that parents log into the Infinite Campus Parent Portal at
to update your child's information prior to the first day of school. If this is your first time logging in, you will click on "New User." Your activation key was sent home with your child's report card in June. If you don't have your activation key please call the front office. There will be no paperwork sent home for you to update your child's information this year. All information must be updated through the parent portal. You can also find information such as your child's teacher through the parent portal. Teachers and staff are diligently working on plans for distance learning and more information will be coming soon. To ensure that you get the most updated information regarding distance learning and the start of school, please make sure you log into your Parent Portal and update your student's information. We are here to help you Monday - Thursday from 8 AM - 3PM via phone and
also by email at
Please call us at 760-948-3611
Hi Krystal Families: Our office staff will be taking a summer hiatus until the week of July 20th. Parents of current Krystal students can still login to Infinite Campus to complete their online annual renewal to update their student's information during this time. If you have any questions, you can call the office beginning July 20th. We hope that everyone has a great summer break!
Parent Teacher Committee (PTC) is a non-profit organization that models community positive behavior and effective teamwork. The objective of Krystal's PTC is to ensure the students of Krystal School are provided with a joyful and memorable experience. Please fill out this ballot and let us know if you are interested in being contacted to help support PTC events.
We would like to thank all of our Krystal Families for their support throughout distance learning. Follow us and HUSD on social media for updates regarding next school year.
If your child is planning to attend a Hesperia Unified School District school next year, you do not have to return your Chromebook until school resumes in the fall. If your child will not be attending a Hesperia Unified School District school next year, then please contact our school office to arrange for a drop off time for your Chromebook.
A few updates for our Krystal Families:
Infinite Campus & Online Registration: If you are trying to update your information in Infinite Campus, please use the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, NOT the Online Registration. If you do not have the key for the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, you will receive a letter with your child’s report card that has the key.
Yearbooks: Unfortunately, there has been a delay with the shipment of our yearbooks. We will contact families as soon as we receive them and have a plan to distribute them to students.
Chromebooks: To allow your child access to online tools/resources over the Summer, students will be able to hold onto their Chromebooks. We hope this will be helpful! There will not be tech support available during the Summer months so take good care of your Chromebooks!
A message from Mr. Portanova to our music students: Remember to log in to Google Classroom to continue working with your instrument. You may also contact Mr. Portanova through email or his webpage.
Adv Strings: 6dphji7
Adv Band: ncyrooa
Beg Strings: 3reiw6k
Beg Band: t5fqhtx
Any new students wishing to enroll at Krystal Elementary School may call the school at (760) 948-3611 and/or email registration staff at
Good morning Krystal Families. With the new health order put in place by San Bernardino County, the Krystal Office will not be able to immediately accept phone calls until further notice. The quickest way to get in contact with your child's teacher or administration is through email. You can still leave a message for the office by dialing "0" and we will return your call as soon as possible. We will also frequently check our voicemails, emails and social media messages. Email addresses can be found on our school website:
Buenos días familias de Krystal. Con la orden nueva de salud establecida por el condado de San Bernardino, efectivo inmediatamente y hasta nuevo aviso, la oficina escolar de Krystal no podrá aceptar llamadas telefónicas. La manera más rápida para comunicarse con el maestro de su hijo o con la administración escolar es, al llamar maque “0”, deje su mensaje, y nosotros le regresaremos la llamada lo antes posible. Además, estaremos revisando frecuentemente mensajes de voz, correos electrónicos y medios de comunicación social. Las direcciones de correo electrónico en las que nos puede localizar se encuentran en el sitio de internet de la escuela;