We're hiring teachers! HUSD will be hosting a teacher job fair on March 12th from 4pm to 7pm at the HUSD District Office Annex. We look forward to seeing you there!
about 8 hours ago, Hesperia Unified
Teacher Fair Graphic
Krystal Family Day at Panda Express Come out Friday, March 7th to help support Krystal's 6th graders. All money raised will help with their field trip! We hope to see you at the Panda Express on Main Street! Flier: t.ly/IAYQM
5 days ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Join us for an ELAC meeting Friday, March 7, 2025 9:30am in RM - A1 We need your input for our 2025/2026 school plan! All Krystal families are welcome to listen and participate in this discussion!
5 days ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
The CDPH will be holding immunization clinics at the HUSD District office on 03/07, 04/04, 04/30, and 5/16. For more info see attached flyers. Note: This event is not organized or implemented by HUSD.
10 days ago, Hesperia Unified
Spanish Flyer
English Flyer
With the purchase of every ticket, you help us raise funds for our Cheer/Spirit Squads along with you being a part of all the fun that comes with cheering for our team at this special event. With Star Wars Night, we encourage you to dress up as your favorite Star Wars character. Our Cheer/Spirit Squads will be performing during the pregame! With each ticket sold, we have an opportunity to pack the house with Hesperia families. Come support our Hesperia Cheer/Spirit squads and our Ontario Reign. Every ticket counts, let’s do this Hesperia. Let’s show up in full FORCE for our student athletes and have an unforgettable night! Let’s GO Hesperia! Clink the link https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Hesperiausdcheer
11 days ago, Hesperia Unified
Ontario Reign Star Wars Night graphic
We're hiring teachers! HUSD will be hosting a teacher job fair on March 12th from 4pm to 7pm at the HUSD District Office Annex. We look forward to seeing you there!
12 days ago, Hesperia Unified
Teacher fair graphic
HUSD is excited to partner with Think Together to offer fun activities, enrichment and care during the upcoming spring break, March 24-28th. The program is free for HUSD elementary students and transportation is available. For more information, see the attached flyer or visit thinktogether.org/enroll to sign up today! Registration is required.
14 days ago, Hesperia Unified
tt spring break flyer english
tt spring break flyer span
Krystal’s Scholastic Book Fair is here! Monday, February 24th - Friday, February 28th Students may shop with their class or during their lunch recess. We welcome parents to check out the book fair, after school, on Wednesday and Thursday (2/26 and 2/27 for one hour after school). Your child can shop cash free using an eWallet! Set up a Scholastic eWallet for your child here: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/krystalschsciencemathtech
19 days ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Attention Krystal Families: Please review the information linked below for important changes to our WALK-UP pick-up procedures. These new procedures will start next week on Tuesday, February 18th. Walk-up Procedures: t.ly/egd8i
22 days ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Phone/Smartwatch Policy Krystal follows the district policy that student cell phones and/or smartwatches (electronic signaling devices) should remain at home or powered off and stored safely in students’ backpacks during the school day for use before or after school hours. Smartwatches are increasingly becoming a distraction to the learning environment. If a student has their smartwatch/cell phone out, they will be asked to put it in their backpack or it will be held in the office for parent pick up. Please review the Krystal Information Packet for more information about the policy. Krystal Information Packet: https://ggle.io/6ehw
25 days ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Get ready for an important and engaging evening! Ranchero Middle School is thrilled to invite you to a special Family Movie Night & Discussion focused on one of the biggest topics facing our students today: social media. Join us at Ranchero Middle School for a screening of the critically acclaimed film, "The Social Dilemma" (PG-13). This thought-provoking documentary explores the impact of social media on our lives, and we'll be providing a dedicated space for parents and students to discuss the film's themes together, with support from our Ranchero staff. This event is open to all Hesperia Unified School District (HUSD) families, so spread the word! Important Note: "The Social Dilemma" is rated PG-13, so we kindly request that parents attend with their student(s) to facilitate meaningful conversations about these crucial topics.
27 days ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Movie Flier
Krystal Family Dance Save the date for a Sweetheart Ball! Friday, February 28th 6:00pm - 8:00pm Sultana Hall - 17311 Sultana Street Come dressed in your Valentine's Day best! $10 per family, open to current Krystal Comets & future Krystal Comets and two adults per household. Please view the linked flier for more information: https://gogl.to/3LgZ Picture Order Form (bring with you to the dance): https://gogl.to/3Lga
about 1 month ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Krystal’s Student Council will be selling Valentine Grams February 3rd-February 7th! Get them while supplies last. Candy grams will be delivered to students' classrooms. 1st, 2nd & 3rd can purchase grams during their lunch recess. Tk/K & 4th-6th can purchase grams during their snack recess. Parents may purchase grams in the lobby, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday morning before school. Candy grams will be $1 and rose grams will be $2.
about 1 month ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
April is Autism Awareness Month! We are excited to show our support with Krystal Autism Awareness shirts. Click the link below to purchase your shirt or sweater so that you can show your support all of April. Sales run through Monday, February 10th. https://www.solografix.com/krystalcomets
about 1 month ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Join us for a PTC and ELAC Meeting on Friday, January 31st. PTC Meeting will begin at 9:30 and the ELAC Meeting will begin at 9:50. Parents are welcome to join us for one or both meetings! Flier: https://gogl.to/3KqP
about 1 month ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Attention 5th and 6th Grade Comets! Interested in participating in Krystal’s eSports club? Fill out the interest form linked below for an opportunity to try out for the club. The form is due to the front office by Monday, January 27th: https://gogl.to/3Kl2
about 2 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Our lost and found is overflowing! All lost and found items have been hung up and are waiting for their owners to find them! Lost and found will be available for parents to look through in the lobby this week. After Friday, all items will be donated. **Please leave our hangers on the rack, we need them!**
about 2 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Parents/Guardians of Krystal 6th Graders: In preparation for a smooth transition to 7th grade, please complete this survey indicating which school you plan to have your student attend for the 2025-2026 school year on or before Friday, January 31st, 2025. Middle School Survey: https://forms.gle/aQn73ozTtD8HqAtP9
about 2 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Attention 1st and 2nd grade families! Krystal Dance Mini Camp If your child is in 1st or 2nd grade and interested in participating in our mini dance camp, please view the form linked below for more details. Last day to fill out the form is January 24th. https://gogl.to/3IEU
about 2 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology
Kona Ice is coming to Krystal! Use the link below to pre-purchase Kona Ice for your Krystal Comet. Students will be able to enjoy the treat during their lunch recess on January 17th. All Kona Ice must be pre-purchased, orders close at noon on Wednesday, January 15th. Any questions? Contact Kona directly at 760-949-5662 Pre-order here: https://customer.kona-ice.com/#/K2983705032
2 months ago, Krystal School of Science, Math & Technology