Sultan Seniors, mark your calendars for Senior Memory Night on Friday, May 12th. This is a time to celebrate your many accomplishments together. Please note: cap and gown distribution will not take place until after this event, during Senior Checkout on Wednesday, May 17th. So your cap and gown panoramic picture will take place on Thursday, May 18th at 11am. The optional, prepaid senior breakfast will be on May 18th at 10am. Seniors not attending the breakfast, but attending the cap and gown panoramic picture, will have to enter through the MPR, not the front office.
Sultan Seniors, marquen sus calendarios para Senior Memory Night el viernes 12 de mayo. Este es un momento para celebrar sus muchos logros juntos. Tenga en cuenta: la distribución de toga y birrete no se llevará a cabo hasta después de este evento, durante el Checkout para personas mayores el miércoles 17 de mayo. Así que tu foto panorámica de toga y birrete tendrá lugar el jueves 18 de mayo a las 11h. El desayuno senior opcional y prepago será el 18 de mayo a las 10 a.m. Las personas mayores que no asistan al desayuno, pero que asistan a la foto panorámica con toga y birrete, deberán ingresar por el MPR, no por la oficina principal.
![Senior Memory Night](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4330957/large_uGaX3drzhcveN1jUbbGtqg.png)
Hey Seniors! Celebrate with your classmates with a catered breakfast burrito for Senior Breakfast on May 18th. Buy your ticket today in the student store for $10.
Following the breakfast is the senior panoramic picture, bring your cap & gown!
¡Hola seniors! Celebre con sus compañeros de clase el 18 de mayo con un burrito de desayuno servido para el desayuno para personas mayores. Compre su boleto hoy en la tienda de estudiantes por $10.
Después del desayuno está la foto panorámica de los mayores, ¡traiga su toga y birrete!
![Senior Breakfast ticket sales](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4330808/large_3efFq6kS0Pt5EcLjKuf51A.png)
Join us at our next African American Parent Advisory Committee (AAPAC) meeting on May 9th from 4:30-6:30 pm either in-person or via live stream for presentations on "African American Student Well-being & Mental Health Awareness." All are welcome to attend! We hope to see you there! For more information and to watch live, you can go to www.hesperiausd.org/page/aapac
![AAPAC Flyer](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4301467/large_L6oXk_eOelbxpVWjfIGA5A.png)
Attention Prom Attendees! Prom is THIS SATURDAY! Check-In will begin at 3:30pm.
Anyone not in attendance by 4:15pm will
not be permitted to go! Students will enter the MPR from Sultana Street. School House Photo will be on campus for Early Bird Professional Photos starting at 3:30pm.
¡Atención asistentes al baile de graduación! ¡El baile es ESTE SÁBADO! El check-in comenzará a las 3:30 p. m.
Cualquiera que no esté presente a las 4:15 p. m.
¡No se le permitirá ir! Los estudiantes ingresarán al MPR por la calle Sultana. School House Photo estará en el campus para Early Bird Professional Photos a partir de las 3:30 p. m.
![Prom Reminders 2023](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4305687/large_pqqqu2RH3imh2X4r8_istw.png)
HUSD’s "Employee Spotlight" campaign, runs annually through the month of April. The campaign is to showcase the dedication of HUSD’s teachers and classified staff. The photos of our employees are accompanied by a statement from an administrator, peer, or student.
![Ms. Phillips](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4103344/large_RIYZCt6vltYetMp9Q6yjcw.png)
Sultan Senior families! Follow the link or QR code above to pre-order your graduation leis, bouquets and Class of '23 shirt with graduate names. Pre-orders will be available for pickup at the graduation venue so your day can be spent focusing on your graduate! Order today!
Familias Sultan Senior! Siga el enlace o el código QR de arriba para hacer un pedido anticipado de collares de flores, ramos de flores y camisa de la Clase del 23 con los nombres de los graduados. ¡Los pedidos anticipados estarán disponibles para recoger en el lugar de la graduación para que pueda dedicar su día a concentrarse en su graduado! ¡Ordenar hoy!
![grad senior specialties](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4278031/large_KoB_9OHWXu8QlgxxCZdvLA.png)
GREAT NEWS! Were you on the Prom waitlist? We were able to get a last minute bus! Head into the student store tomorrow and get your ticket! Last chance to attend prom!
¡UNA GRAN NOTICIA! ¿Estabas en la lista de espera del baile de graduación? ¡Pudimos conseguir un autobús de última hora! ¡Dirígete a la tienda de estudiantes mañana y obtén tu boleto! ¡Última oportunidad para asistir al baile de graduación!
![prom last chance](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4269792/large_TpQ1TysAUW1QiSq_kqGfOA.png)
The Sultana Wrestling Boosters is holding a Fundraiser on May 20th at Mojave Narrows Regional Park. If you like to play cornhole and eat good food this is the event for you. This is a family friendly event so please bring out the kids. The boys and Girl wrestlers will provide supervision at the playground/splash pad for the kiddos. Come have some Fun!!
Sultana Wrestling Boosters llevará a cabo una recaudación de fondos el 20 de mayo en el Parque Regional Mojave Narrows. Si te gusta jugar cornhole y comer bien este es tu evento. Este es un evento familiar, así que traiga a los niños. Los luchadores masculinos y femeninos supervisarán a los niños en el patio de recreo/parque acuático. ¡¡Ven a divertirte!!
![cornhole tournament](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4259193/large_4Rs256t1GLVja-vCQ0a1rw.png)
DON'T MISS OUT! Only 20 tickets remaining for PROM! Buy yours today in the student store.
¡NO TE LO PIERDAS! ¡Solo quedan 20 boletos para el PROM! Compra el tuyo hoy en la tienda de estudiantes.
![prom 20 tickets left 4/18](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4244922/large_9CmvDYJix584TMWLRG0abw.png)
Hey Seniors! Do you have the gift of song? Would you like to audition for a chance to perform on stage at Graduation? Sign up in the student store today! Auditions will be Thursday, April 27th after school in the Choir Room.
¡Hola Seniors! ¿Tienes el don de la canción? ¿Te gustaría hacer una audición para tener la oportunidad de actuar en el escenario en Graduation? ¡Regístrese hoy en la tienda para estudiantes! Las audiciones serán el jueves 27 de abril después de la escuela en el salón del coro.
![Senior Song Audititions](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4244642/large_NeUenEZCxCF5zSdgLyzNcg.png)
Attention Seniors! Are you attending Victor Valley College this upcoming Summer 2023 term or Fall 2023 semester? Your class registration date is right around the corner, the College and Career team is here to help!
Your class registration OPENS May 5 th , 2023. You will want to be registered for a full-time courseload, complete your VVC enrollment steps, and have your FAFSA application completed by JUNE 15 TH to take advantage of the FREE TUITION being offered to you. Stop by the College and Career Center, B-226, between now and May 4 th to get assistance in building your class schedule and learning HOW to register for your classes on May 5 th. On May 5 th , between 8AM – 4PM, our College and Career Center is open to support you in class registration.
Good luck Sultans!
![VVC Priority Registration](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4236904/large_7cpkRWWVi1YnfAvPoq_GaQ.jpeg)
CALLING ALL LEADERS! Are you interested in learning leadership skills, collaborating with groups on campus, and creating inclusive events that appeal to all students? Join us for an informational meeting tomorrow 4/14 at lunch in room B-204!
¡LLAMANDO A TODOS LOS LÍDERES! ¿Está interesado en aprender habilidades de liderazgo, colaborar con grupos en el campus y crear eventos inclusivos que atraigan a todos los estudiantes? ¡Únase a nosotros para una reunión informativa mañana 4/14 en el almuerzo en el salón B-204!
![ASB 2024](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4212703/large_ofJVU2R2ah4PUdXZY0XOlQ.png)
Class of 2023 this is your time! Make sure to stay "in the know" for all things Senior Events related! Get ready for PROM!! For more information on these events, visit the website and view the Senior Newsletter.
¡Clase de 2023, este es tu momento! ¡Asegúrese de mantenerse "al tanto" de todo lo relacionado con los eventos para personas mayores! ¡¡Prepárate para el PROM!! Para obtener más información sobre estos eventos, visite el sitio web y vea el Boletín para personas mayores.
![C/o 2023 1](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4211001/large_5ZKoOA1ArskXGQ2PkloQ9w.png)
![C/o 2023 2](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4211003/large_LOfAHS5S1KY7Z_S66LP1qw.png)
HUSD’s "Employee Spotlight" campaign, runs annually through the month of April. The campaign is to showcase the dedication of HUSD’s teachers and classified staff. The photos of our employees are accompanied by a statement from an administrator, peer, or student.
![Ms. Anaya](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4102095/large_qKvuwBkNGvISbkRVzqfmVA.png)
ATTENTION SENIORS! Are you interested in running for Prom Court? Join us for an informational meeting tomorrow at lunch in room B-204. Can't make it? Email Miss Gray ASAP!!
¡ATENCIÓN MAYORES! ¿Estás interesado en postularte para Prom Court? Únase a nosotros para una reunión informativa mañana durante el almuerzo en el salón B-204. ¿No puedes hacerlo? ¡Envíe un correo electrónico a la señorita Grey lo antes posible!
![Prom Court Info Meeting](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4204599/large_QOT82cNhURu-F-tDYWYYpQ.png)
Friday is DECADES DAY! Dress in your favorite decade to attend the rally at lunch. We will be celebrating Track & Field, Baseball, Softball, Golf, Boys Tennis, Drumline, and Winter Guard! This is something you don't want to miss!
¡El viernes es el DÍA DE LAS DÉCADAS! Vístase con su década favorita para asistir al mitin durante el almuerzo. ¡Estaremos celebrando Atletismo, Béisbol, Softbol, Golf, Tenis de Niños, Drumline y Winter Guard! ¡Esto es algo que no te querrás perder!
![friday decades day](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4151286/large_7TrktEtBTSwidgzJ7KVFJQ.jpeg)
SPIRIT DAY 4: Thursday 4/6 is College Day! Come to school representing your favorite college, this can be the college you already have an acceptance to or the one you dream of attending! We are looking forward to seeing some of your future destinations!
SPIRIT DAY 4: ¡El jueves 4/6 es el día de la universidad! Ven a la escuela representando a tu universidad favorita, ¡esta puede ser la universidad a la que ya te aceptaron o la universidad a la que sueñas asistir! ¡Esperamos ver algunos de sus futuros destinos!
Wednesday 4/6 TEAL OUT! Come to school dressed in teal attire and be ready to show your school spirit by attending the spring sports pep rally Friday 4/7 during lunch! We have a fun filled rally planned to celebrate our spring sports and can't wait to see you there!
Miércoles 4/6 ¡RECUERDA! ¡Ven a la escuela vestido con un atuendo verde azulado y prepárate para mostrar tu espíritu escolar asistiendo a la reunión deportiva de primavera el viernes 4/7 durante el almuerzo! ¡Tenemos un mitin lleno de diversión planeado para celebrar nuestros deportes de primavera y no podemos esperar a verlos allí!
Please plan ahead! Sultana street between G and E will be closed for repairs on Saturday, March 25th from 7am to 5pm.
Please plan ahead! Sultana street between G and E will be closed for repairs on Saturday, March 25th from 7am to 5pm.
¡Por favor planee con anticipación! La calle Sultana entre G y E estará cerrada por reparaciones el sábado 25 de marzo de 7 am a 5 pm.
![Road Closure 3/25](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4047996/large_PzoNmyC45KtnkbOpHYP3xQ.jpeg)
Last day to sign up is March 24th.
El último día para inscribirse es el 24 de marzo..
![Powder Puff](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4053410/large_EuKx34IweazoJpbaDfR7pA.jpeg)