Wear a mask when you’re in public to help slow the spread of COVID-19. When selecting a mask, you have many choices. Avoid masks that are made of materials that make it too hard to breathe. Also, avoid masks with valves or vents that allow virus particles to escape and masks that should be saved for healthcare workers. Wear cloth masks with two or more layers to help protect yourself and others from COVID-19. Learn more about the do’s and don’ts of masking: https://bit.ly/3i9Sy2k
over 4 years ago, Sultana High School
Mask Wearing
Did you miss our October webinar? Join us for a repeat webinar to learn about initial-eligibility requirements you must meet and how COVID-19 impacts those requirements. Visit @playcollegesports or go to web3.ncaa.org/ecwr3 for more information.
over 4 years ago, Sultana High School
College Sports
ASB Leadership is sponsoring a Food Donation Drive from 11/4-11/13. No contact donation bins will be located outside the front office, Monday-Friday from 7:30-3:00. Bins will not be available on Wednesday 11/11 due to the Veteran's Day holiday. All donations will go to community members in-need and local food banks. Thank you for your support!
over 4 years ago, Sultana High School
Food Donation
over 4 years ago, Sultana High School
Reminder: This Sunday, 11/1, marks the end of Daylight Savings. Be sure to turn your clock back by one hour. Recordatorio: este domingo, 1/11, marca el final del horario de verano. Asegúrese de retrasar su reloj una hora.
over 4 years ago, Sultana High School
Fall Back
Updated hours for Chromebook Repairs going forward. Please visit the front office during the hours listed for assistance.
over 4 years ago, Sultana High School
Tech Support
Visit our online webstore for spirit wear and senior shirts! All items are shipped to home. Our webstore can be found at bit.ly/sultanawebstore Thank you for supporting! Visite nuestra tienda web en línea para ropa de espíritu y camisas para personas mayores. Todos los artículos se envían a casa. Nuestra tienda web se puede encontrar en bit.ly/sultanawebstore ¡Gracias por su apoyo!
over 4 years ago, Sultana High School
Spirit week, progress reports, 2021 yard signs
over 4 years ago, Sultana High School
Tomorrow, 10/28, is College Application day! Our counselors will be available for assistance from 8-2:30 for assistance. Check Google Classroom for more information.
over 4 years ago, Sultana High School
College App Day
Join us for the second installment of our Sultana Drama Department's Radio Show, this Thursday 10/29 at 6:30. They will be presenting "Sleepy Hollow" Visit bit.ly/3ndiihc for the live feed. Hope to see you (digitally) there!
over 4 years ago, Sultana High School
Sleepy Hollow
Good morning Sultans! Today is the first day of Second Quarter. Quarter One progress reports will be mailed home this week and grades are available 24/7 through your Infinite Campus parent portal. Attendance will now be taken by teachers going forward. Start this quarter off strong!
over 4 years ago, Sultana High School
Second Quarter
Good morning Sultans! Today is the first day of Second Quarter. Quarter One progress reports will be mailed home this week and grades are available 24/7 through your Infinite Campus parent portal. If you have not signed up for it yet, please call 7609476777 extension 4458 to speak with our counseling clerks. ¡Buenos días Sultanes! Hoy es el primer día del segundo trimestre. Los informes de progreso del primer trimestre se enviarán por correo a casa esta semana y las calificaciones están disponibles 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana a través de su portal para padres de Infinite Campus. Si aún no se ha registrado, llame al 7609476777 extensión 4458 para hablar con nuestros secretarios de asesoramiento.
over 4 years ago, Sultana High School
Fall break
over 4 years ago, Sultana High School
Sultana High School's Drama Department is presenting Jack and the Beanstalk as a Radio Show tonight, Thursday, October 8th at 6:30 PM. It will be broadcast via YouTube live with student performers. You can tune-in by visiting bit.ly/3ndiihc. Enjoy the show!
over 4 years ago, Sultana High School
Jack and the Beanstalk
Dual Enrollment registration is now open for next semester! Fill-out the survey that was sent to your school email address and posted to the counseling Google Classroom. We have some great offerings!
over 4 years ago, Sultana High School
over 4 years ago, Sultana High School
Good morning Sultans! This is the last week of Quarter One. Finish the week strong and get in your assignments. Remember, grades do count. Additionally, we have a modified schedule this week because of Minimum Day on Friday. Visit bit.ly/sultanadistance for the schedule and more information.
over 4 years ago, Sultana High School
Minimum Day Schedule
Your order week is here and It's time to order your cap & gown, class jewelry and graduation apparel. You should have received YOUR cap & gown ordering packet in the mail to place your order or you can do it online at bit.ly/33fmvbZ Check out the video below for more information on how to order your senior items. Make sure to place your order by October 11. We will be giving away a FREE class jewelry to someone in your students senior class. Click here--> bit.ly/3l89oiT For answers to your questions, email us luna.office@jostens.com or give us a call at 760-200-3889
over 4 years ago, Sultana High School
Next week, fall break, senior yard signs
over 4 years ago, Sultana High School
Attention Sultans! The end of the first quarter is approaching. Keep up those grades and finish strong. Remember, grades do count. Friday 10/9 is a minimum day and our fall break is the week of 10/12-10/16. Please view the updated schedule for next week. Additionally, free meals are available for pick-up from 8:30-8:50 at Sultana on Monday-Thursday. Meals are for kids ages 2-18, no ID needed. Meal pick-up is located in the parking lot on the corner of Sultana & E, look for the school bus.
over 4 years ago, Sultana High School
Minimum Day Schedule