As an added safety precaution this year, Hesperia Unified School District Holiday events will only feature candy, food, and/or drinks that were factory sealed before being opened for distribution or goods prepared on campus by HUSD staff.  HUSD would like to remind all of our parents and families to think about safety first when celebrating at any holiday event off campus as well.  This Holiday season parents and students are urged to:

  1. Carefully inspect candy/food/drink before consuming.  If it looks tampered with in any way you should throw it away and NOT consume it.

  2. Never consume any food or drink if you don't know where it came from.

  3. Never ingest any medication unless it is given to you by your parents or prescribed to you by your doctor.

If you, or someone you know, ingests food or drink that has been tampered with you should seek medical attention immediately.  If you are made aware of tainted food or drink in the community you should call 911 to report it immediately.  If you would like more information about safety involving drugs, including opioids and or fentanyl please go to the Hesperia School Police Department website at or the Hesperia Unified School District website at  By putting safety first we hope all of our families can confidently enjoy all of our on-campus Holiday events this year and have the very best Holiday season possible!