Good Afternoon,
This is Dave Olney, Superintendent of the Hesperia Unified School District. We hope you and your family are safe and well. We wanted to take a moment to thank you for your patience, understanding, and cooperation as we all work together to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus. Your childrens’ safety is our primary concern and we are doing all that we can to reduce unnecessary exposure to COVID-19.
As a reminder, we have Supplemental Learning Activities available on our Hesperia Unified School District Website for use this week. Starting Monday, April 6, 2020, Distance Learning will begin. You will be receiving information directly from your school site as to the Distance Learning Plan for your student. If you do not hear from someone at your school by Monday, April 6, please call or email your school office to get this information.
For our elementary school students who do not have their Chromebooks at home, each school site will be distributing them on Thursday, April 2 and Friday, April 3. You should have received or will be receiving your date and time for pick up at your school. Again, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call or email your school office.
Meals for students are still being offered at our three “grab and go” locations: Hesperia High School, Sultana High School, and Cedar Middle School. Please remember that students must be in the vehicle to receive a meal.
There have been many questions about student registration for the 2020-21 school year. We will begin an on-line registration process beginning April 13. You will be receiving more information soon. Kindergarten, transitional kindergarten, and preschool registrations are more involved, but we are working to make this process as smooth as we can and, hopefully, as much of an on-line process as possible to maintain the social distancing recommended at this time. Kindergarten, Transitional Kindergarten and Preschool registration may occur later and we will keep you informed.
In consideration of the guidelines issued by our president and governor, our facilities remain closed to public access. District staff members are available by phone or email during the school closures and we will do everything we can to assist our community remotely. We are taking every precaution in the distribution of meals and Chromebooks, and, if necessary, other resources to help our students with distance learning.
Lastly, I know our seniors and their parents are concerned about end-of-the-year activities. As superintendent, I share your concerns. While we are not certain how long schools will be closed and gatherings will be restricted, we will make every effort to hold or reschedule these important events. I am meeting frequently with our county superintendent and the Department of Public Health to make the determinations of future closures and events, and we continue to update our website with new information and frequently asked questions, so please check for other details.
Once again, thank you for your support during this very challenging time. I would also like to thank our nutrition service employees who have continued to provide meals, our teachers and administrators who have worked diligently to provide resources and learning activities, and the many amazing members of Hesperia Unified School District who are committed to serving our students and community.