March 6, 2020
HUSD Custodial Illness Prevention Plan
The Hesperia Unified School District Custodial team met today and released their illness prevention plan.
Pre-School, Special Educ...
March 2, 2020
HUSD Emergency Preparedness Leadership Team Illness Prevention Tips
In accordance with the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health the Hesperia Uni...
March 2, 2020
Six of our OHHS students competed in the Science Olympiad 2020 this past weekend. One of our teams took 1st place in the Ping Pong Parachute challenge, where they launched a bottl...
February 28, 2020
HUSD Coronavirus/COVID-19 Informational Release
February 26, 2020
Hesperia Unified School District would like to update our parents, students, and staff regarding t...
February 26, 2020
We are looking forward to seeing many middle and high school students at the 3rd Annual HUSD College & Career Fair this Thursday, February 27 between 4:30-7pm. The event will ta...
February 24, 2020
Congratulations to our 5 students that made the San Bernardino County Honor Orchestra - Rachel Burdi-viola, Ethan Dominguez-violin, Sophia Garcia-violin, Jolene Villavicencio-doub...
February 18, 2020
Congratulations to OHHS students Rachel Feinstein, Kassandra Ortiz, Jezzica Vazquez, Mikki Bell, Emily Vick, Roman Rodriguez, and Gabriel Pimentel and teachers Angie Ramirez and G...
January 22, 2020
Congratulations to the OHHS Mock Trial Team! They earned 1st place for the Desert/Mountain Region, finished among the top 4 of 32 teams, and earned 17 outstanding performance awar...
January 7, 2020
Check out this video about Spirit Week for the upcoming Winter Formal: