💻 Need Tech Support 💻 Check this out if your having trouble logging into Infinite Campus. Still need help, stop by and see Mr. Guyette or Mr. Porter in C-13. #itsagreatdaytobeabulldog #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
Hey, Bulldogs! We start the 23-24 school year tomorrow. Gates open at 6:45am. Included in this post is a map for drop-off zones, reminders to check your schedule on IC for last-minute changes, and the bell schedules. Don't forget to show your Bulldog Spirit and wear RED or Bulldog gear! We can't wait, it's going to be a great year! #ItsAGreatDayToBeABulldog #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
Great job JROTC on presenting colors today at @hesperiaunified All District Inservice. #itsagreatdaytobeabulldog #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
Seniors - Come on out to the Stadium, Friday, August 11th from 5:45am-7:00am to watch the Sun Rise on your Senior Year!
Bulldog Families! Photo Schedule:
Friday, August 11th - 10/11th Grade
Monday, August 14th - 9th/12th Grade
All Makeups - September 21st
Senior Photo Makeups: Will be scheduled in October, 2023!
Today our teachers met for the first time this school year. We were able to gain the collective experience our educators have. These are impressive! We are looking forward to a great school year! (Part 1) #itsagreatdaytobeabulldog #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
Today our teachers met for the first time this school year. We were able to gain the collective experience our educators have. These are impressive! We are looking forward to a great school year! (Part 2) #itsagreatdaytobeabulldog #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
Bulldog Families! In an effort to have our Student ID's ready for the first month of school; school pictures are early this year! Seniors can use their Senior Photo, and Freshman took theirs at Freshman Orientation, but both Seniors/Freshman can attend makeups on Monday, August 14th. Sophomores/Juniors will take theirs this on Friday, August 11th.
Photo Schedule:
Friday, August 11th - 10/11th Grade
Monday, August 14th - 9th/12th Grade
All Makeups - September 21st
Senior Photo Makeups: Will be scheduled in October, 2023!
School House Photo
Bulldogs and Families! In order to allow for our staff to participate in Professional Development, there are adjusted office hours for Monday, 8/7 - Wednesday, 8/9!
Monday: 12:00pm-3:00pm
Tuesday: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Wednesday: 10:00-3:00pm
We will return to normal hours on Thursday, 8/10 for the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!
📢 Parents/Guardians need access to Infinite Campus? We are here to help. If you have never accessed Infinite Campus pick up your Activation Key on 8/3, 8/16 or stop by the Counseling Office. Need your password reset? Please fill out the form at bit.ly/icparentacct and we will get back to you ASAP. Stay up to date with your child's grades and attendance. 💻
¿Los padres/tutores necesitan acceso a Infinite Campus? Estamos aquí para ayudar. Si nunca ha accedido a Infinite Campus, recoja su clave de activación el 8/3, 8/16 o pase por la Oficina de Consejería. ¿Necesita restablecer su contraseña? Complete el formulario en bit.ly/icparentacct y nos pondremos en contacto con usted lo antes posible. Manténgase al día con las calificaciones y la asistencia de su hijo.
#ItsAGreatDayToBeABulldog #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
Parents! We need your help, please fill out the 3-Way Pledge acknowledgment form at bit.ly/3waypledge23 it will only take 3 minutes or less! We appreciate your help, support and commitment to our Bulldogs!
¡Padres! Necesitamos su ayuda, complete el formulario de reconocimiento de compromiso de 3 vías en bit.ly/3waypledge23 ¡solo tomará 3 minutos o menos! ¡Agradecemos su ayuda, apoyo y compromiso con nuestros Bulldogs!
#itsagreatdaytobeabulldog #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
⚠️ PARENTS/GUARDIANS ⚠️ If you are picking up a student early, the Parent/Guardian on file MUST contact Attendance. Please make appropriate arrangements. Attendance is crucial, please make sure your student is here on time. #ItsAGreatDayToBeABulldog #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
Hey Bulldogs, school schedules are live and can be found on Infinite Campus. If you need a class change please visit bit.ly/ohclasschange Not all class requests will be able to be made, but all will be taken into consideration. If you don't remember how to log in to IC, please view the additional pictures. School starts on 8/10, gates open at 6:45am, first bell rings at 7:24am. #ItsAGreatDayToBeABulldog #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
Please see the revised Girls Soccer summer Camp Schedule.
Attention all girls interested in playing soccer in '23-'24, there is an introductory meeting with Coach Luviano Thursday, 7/27 @ 10am at the stadium snackbar. We look forward to seeing you there!
Hey Bulldog Families! Here are the bus routes for the 23-24 school year. Please visit our website oakhillsbulldogs.com or bit.ly/46YBwPZ In order for students to be eligible to ride the bus students MUST live within certain boundaries based on their home address. Please ensure you have filled out the OLR (Emergency Card, Media Release, Transportation), this MUST be done yearly. If you have not activated your Parent Account through Infinite Campus, please call our Counseling Office at 760-244-2283 ext. (9th graders--4792, 10th/11th graders--4763, 12th graders--4762. If you do have your Parent Account through Infinite Campus and need a tutorial, please visit: bit.ly/husdolrtutorial
¡Hola, familias de Bulldogs! Aquí están las rutas de autobús para el año escolar 23-24. Visite nuestro sitio web oakhillsbulldogs.com Para que los estudiantes sean elegibles para viajar en el autobús, los estudiantes DEBEN vivir dentro de ciertos límites según la dirección de su casa. Asegúrese de haber completado el OLR (Tarjeta de emergencia, Comunicado de prensa, Transporte), esto DEBE hacerse anualmente. Si no ha activado su Cuenta de Padres a través de Infinite Campus, llame a nuestra Oficina de Consejería al 760-244-2283 ext. (Estudiantes de 9° grado--4792, estudiantes de 10° y 11° grado--4763, estudiantes de 12° grado--4762. Si tiene su cuenta de padres a través de Infinite Campus y necesita un tutorial, visite: bit.ly/husdolrtutorial
Join us to Celebrate the Start of the Hesperia Unified School District's 2023-2024 School Year! Come with the whole family and learn how you can get involved in your children's education. There will be games, raffles, and lots of fun.
¡Acompáñenos a Celebrar el Inicio del Año Escolar 2023-2024 del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Hesperia! Venga con toda la familia y conozca cómo puede involucrarse en la educación de sus hijos. Habrá juegos, rifas y mucha diversión.
Senior Photos: Website is experiencing a glitch and is not displaying the appointments. Please call (951) 267-9200 to book the appointment directly until glitch is fixed! Sorry for any inconvenience!
Class of 2024! It is now time to book your appointment to have your Senior Photo Taken! Senior photos are by appointment only, and will take place at OHHS from July 6th-July 14th! Please head to schoolhousephoto.com or scan the QR code to make your C/0 2024 appointment.
Please help us welcome our new Head Coach of Girls Tennis, Coach Renaldo Gonzalez. If you are interested in playing tennis in the fall, please contact coach at: renaldo.gonzalez@hesperiausd.org