Hello Mission Crest Families. Just a friendly reminder that tonight, Wednesday, September 1st starting at 5:00 PM with a second session starting at 5:30 PM is Missions Crest's Virtual Back to School Night. You should have received a communication from your child's teacher with a Zoom Link. If you have any questions, please contact the front office or your child's teacher. I hope to see your there.
Hola familias de Mission Crest. Solo un recordatorio amistoso de que esta noche, miércoles 1 de septiembre a partir de las 5:00 PM Con una segunda sesión a las 5:30 PM, Es la Noche Virtual de Regreso a Clases de Mission Crest. Debería haber recibido una comunicación del maestro de su hijo con Zoom Link. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la oficina o con el maestro de su hijo. Espero verte ahí.

There will be no school this Monday, September 6, 2021 in observance of Labor Day

Mission Crest Morning News for the week of August 30th
Link to MC News Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IMdsIhmDWNaq_gnr_yOR8NI-c2P0NdCv/view?usp=sharing

You are invited to the Mission Crest Elementary Virtual Back to School Night on Wednesday, September 1st starting at 5:00 PM with a second session at 5:30. Please see the pictured flyers in English and Spanish for more information.

You are invited to the Mission Crest Elementary Virtual Back to School Night on Wednesday, September 1st starting at 5:00 PM with a second session at 5:30. Please see the pictured flyers in English and Spanish for more information.

Don't miss the 5 week zoom class on Health and Nutrition beginning September 9! Please see the flyer for more information.

Mission Crest Morning News for the week of August 23, 2021.
Have a great week!
Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1reVRSgomwffm-ru82REnvUOzNlrq6x5-/view?usp=sharing

Mission Crest Morning Announcements for the week of August 16, 2021
Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18WE_I7ThJFIyhDXXEPcWpEFkL-RXj8UU/view?usp=sharing

Great turn out! Thank you for participating in the MCEPC sponsored Kona Ice fundraiser.

Reminder... Kona Ice Fundraiser is today 8/13 after school!

Yesterday, Mr. Moreno presented information about his music class to our 4th, 5th and 6th grade students. If your child is interested in playing an instrument, please visit Mr. Moreno's website at: https://morenoaarone6.wixsite.com/website to complete the registration form.

Mission Crest Elementary Parent Club (MCEPC) sponsored
Kona Ice Fundraiser
Friday, August 13th
After school in front of the school.

Hello Mission Crest Parents,
English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC) Meeting
Wednesday, August 25th at 10:00 AM.
See flyer for more details.

Good morning Mission Crest Chargers! Just a reminder that today is Early Out Wednesday. Grades 1-6 dismiss at 12:51, AM TK/Kinder dismiss at 10:49, PM TK/Kinder dismiss at 11:59. Have a great day!

Great resources from HUSD's Family Resource Center.

Great Day Charger Families. It was wonderful to have an in person first day of school! See you tomorrow.

We Are So Excited For Tomorrow! It's the first day of the 2021 - 2022 school year. Check out this First Day of School Video. It includes a welcome, announcements and a read aloud with Mrs. Sims. See you tomorrow!
Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uk6l31JKvc2pVNOC9hxJItk6kYV4SrJt/view?usp=sharing

All district and school offices will be closed this morning due to a mandatory all district in service. All offices will be reopening later this afternoon. Thank you for your patience.

Mission Crest teachers on their first day back working hard preparing for the school year and having fun

Hola Familias de Mission Crest. Este es Ryan Plescia, el Director de Mission Crest con unos pocos anuncios rápidos. El primer día de clases, el jueves 5 de agosto, está a la vuelta de la esquina. Estamos muy emocionados de tener estudiantes de vuelta en el campus. Los estudiantes son bienvenidos llegar lo más temprano a las 7:15 a.m. con instrucción comenzando a las 7:30 a.m. También nos complace anunciar que se proporcionarán todos los útiles tradicionales de Regreso a la Escuela. Si desea comprar una mochila y útiles escolares para uso en el hogar, usted es más que bienvenido. Además, el almuerzo y el desayuno son gratis para todos los estudiantes. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que las leyes de máscara todavía están en vigor. Se requiere que los estudiantes y todos los adultos usen una máscara mientras están en el campus. Como recordatorio, usted puede encontrar mucha información con respecto a las reglas y procedimientos de la escuela así como anuncios en nuestro sitio web de Mission Crest y página de Facebook. Por último, asegúrese de completar su actualización de registro en línea que se puede encontrar en el sitio web de HUSD para que podamos tener la información más actualizada. ¡Que tenga una noche maravillosa y hasta pronto!