Mission Crest Morning Announcements for the week of 11/29/2021.
Congratulations Gianna on being student of the week!
Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1orJ3T9EsqmgqFZzbPM9i1zxshSJzZ8gj/view?usp=sharing
Have a Happy Thanksgiving from you Mission Crest Family!
No School November 22 - November 26th.
Just a friendly reminder... Mission Crest is having make up pictures tomorrow. For more information please visit: www.Olsonpics.photoreflect.com
or visit Mission Crest's social media pages
You are invited to the Mission Crest Elementary Parent Club Meeting (MCEPC) on Tuesday, November 16th at 2:15 via Zoom. We hope to see you there.
Link to Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82118763655
Mission Crest News for the week of November 15, 2021
Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HmzD940i5su7hsobwMi3jnp2OoiehKr7/view?usp=sharing
Reminder: there is no school Thursday and Friday, November 11th - 12th, as we honor our Veterans. Thank you veterans for your service!
Mission Crest News for the week of November 8th, 2021.
Congratulations to Annabell from Ms. Farr's class!
Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1usf0GBNJyJTPgTOiqrorsZM0YA3TA11i/view?usp=sharing
Best Practices for Supporting Learners with Autism in All Environments
Please see flyer for more information
Winter Family Fun Days
See flyer for more details
Strategies to Support Family Math In Schools and at Home
See flyer for more details:
Link to Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZElcuqqrjIoH9OwCgr7omOrNbv_YYUtrBe7
Pop Up Pull Up and Pick Up Event
Saturday, November 13
For more information, please see flyer
Link to Flyer: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/family-support-day-tickets-203424998647?aff=odeieiconstantcontact&ctct_id=a7157d70-8f11-4540-ac6e-7f5b9f82de0d_p2&ctct_c=jjLupTvWdcmT87XvWFpA3I-EIKVWzEM6xpbJhdTxX74K8awYONJbXQ==
Dine to Donate at Taco My Hacienda
Friday, November 5th from open to close. Participants must show the image to get the 20% donation for Mission Crest!
Today is our first VEX event for the 21/22 school year. If you are interested in viewing the event, we will be streaming via the Live Steam link below beginning around 3:30.
Mission Crest News for the week of 11/01/2021.
Congratulations Liliana on being this week's student of week!
Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bhmONuTTNMGUE1Kkl6W05hlU8-csST_Y/view?usp=sharing
Padres de Mission Crest esta noche de 4:30 a 7:00 pm. Tendremos música, juegos, un laberinto encantado, pintura facial, mesa luminosa y camiones de comida. Entrada al evento es gratis. Venga vestido con su disfraz de Halloween y participe en el Desfile de Halloween (solo estudiantes). Recuerde, los disfraces deben ser apropiados para la edad de la escuela primaria, lo que significa que NO hay disfraces de miedo, personajes de películas de terror, disfraces reveladores, maquillaje de miedo o con sangre, armas u objetos de apariencia peligrosa. Esperamos verte esta noche.
Just a friendly reminder… You are invited to Mission Crest Parent Club sponsored Fall Festival tonight from 4:30 – 7PM. We will have music, games, a haunted maze, face painting, glow table, and food trucks. Admission to the event is free. Come dressed in your Halloween costume and participate in the Halloween Parade (students only). Remember, costumes must be elementary school age appropriate which means NO scary costumes, horror movie characters, revealing costumes, scary or bloody make-up, weapons or dangerous looking objects. We hope to see you tonight.
Reminder: Fall Festival is tomorrow night from 4:30 - 7:00. We'll have music, games, a haunted maze, food trucks, and more, as well as a costume parade at 6:00 (no punch card needed for the parade). Hope to see you there!
Recordatorio: el Festival de Otoño es mañana por la noche de 4:30 a 7:00. Tendremos música, juegos, un laberinto embrujado, camiones de comida y más, así como un desfile de disfraces a las 6:00 (no se necesitan tarjetas perforadas para el desfile). ¡Espero verte allí!
Hello Mission Crest TK and Kindergarten Parents. In case of inclement (rain) weather, TK and Kindergarten will be dismiss from the front of the school. Please do not enter the front foyer or come on campus as staff will release students from the front entrance doors. Thank you and please call the front office if you have any questions.
Hola, padres de Mission Crest TK y Kindergarten. En caso de mal tiempo (lluvia), TK y Kindergarten saldrán desde el frente de la escuela. Por favor, no ingrese al vestíbulo de entrada ni entre al campus, ya que el personal dejará a los estudiantes por las puertas de entrada. Gracias y por favor llame a la oficina principal si tiene alguna pregunta.
Mission Crest Morning Announcements for the week of October 25, 2021.
Congratulations Emily on being the student of the week.
Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u3i3YzcQdCh2rlMLe17XW1XhPneCC2L7/view?usp=sharing
Please click the link for HUSD's press release on Governor Newsom's COVID-19 Student Vaccine Proposed Mandate: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qYKB8sWyG6jgIz2tXgyJQSHPk1sHbWgdx6Oif-rMnLE/edit?usp=sharing