The Jolly Parade honoring first responders is coming Friday, December 15th starting at Ranchero Middle School and from there going to Cedar and Hesperia Junior High. Come out and join the community for photos with Santa, free candy, and lots more!.
about 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
Jolly Parade Flyer
Mission Crest is having a Christmas Themed Spirit Week December 18th - 22nd. Take a look at the pictured flyer for each dress day. It is going to be a lot of fun headed into the Christmas Break! Mission Crest tendrá una semana de espíritu navideño con temática navideña del 18 al 22 de diciembre. Echa un vistazo al folleto que aparece en la foto de cada día de vestimenta. ¡Será muy divertido de cara a las vacaciones de Navidad!
about 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Christmas Spirit Week
Mission Crest Families, this is the last week that the Youth Truth Family Survey is open. We truly value your input. The survey closes 12/15/23. Familias de Mission Crest, esta es la última semana que está abierta la Encuesta Familiar sobre la Verdad Juvenil. Realmente valoramos su opinión. La encuesta se cierra el 15/12/23. Link to survey:
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
School Survey
Congratulation to Mia-Tafi from Mrs. Goslin's class on being the Charger of the Week for the week of December 11th. Way to show that BOLT behavior and be a leader on campus. Link to Video:
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Mia-Tafi Charger of the Week
Congratulations to our spirit winners for the month of November! Primary grades: 1st - Muzquiz 2nd - Douglas, Watts, Barber (tie) 3rd - Gonzalez, Ortiz (tie) Upper grades: 1st - Skiffington 2nd - Peckinpaugh 3rd - Clements
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest Elementary
Ms. Muzquiz
Mrs. Douglas
Ms. Watts
Ms. Barber
Mrs. Gonzalez
Mrs Ortiz
Mrs. Skiffington
Mrs. Peckinpaugh
Mrs. Clements
Congratulations to our spirit winners for the month of October! Primary Grades: 1st - Barber 2nd - Johnston 3rd - Patti Upper grades: 1st - Peckinpaugh 2nd - Clements 3rd - Boatwright and Gonzalez (tie)
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest Elementary
Ms. Barber
Ms. Johnston
Ms. Patti
Mrs. Peckinpaugh
Mrs. Clements
Mr. Boatwright
Ms. Gonzalez
If you are in need or if you a family in need this holiday season, the Community Health Action Network (CHAN) is hosting a Christmas Party and Toy Giveaway on Friday, December 22 at 7:00PM. See the pictured flyer for more information.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Toy Drive
Please take a look at Mission Crest's Counseling Connection. This month's character trait that your child will be learning about is Empathy. Por favor, eche un vistazo a la Conexión de Consejería de Mission Crest. El rasgo de carácter de este mes que su hijo aprenderá es la empatía.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Counseling Connection
Span Counseling Connection
Please be aware... Items in the Mission Crest Lost and Found are being donated during the Winter Break. Please remind your child to check it prior to break. If you have any questions, please reach out to you child's teacher or the front office. Tenga en cuenta... Los artículos de objetos perdidos y encontrados de Mission Crest se donarán durante las vacaciones de invierno. Recuerde a su hijo que lo revise antes del descanso. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con el maestro de su hijo o con la oficina principal.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Lost and Found
The Jolly Parade honoring first responders is coming Friday, December 15th starting at Ranchero Middle School and from there going to Cedar and Hesperia Junior High. Come out and join the community for photos with Santa, free candy, and lots more!.
over 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
Jolly Parade Flyer
Congratulation to Mission Crest's eSports Team members Gerardo Z., Jorge T., and Christopher M. on winning a spot in HUSD's districtwide tournament. We are proud of them and excited that they all placed!
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
HUSD will be hosting its elementary Smash Brothers Tournament on 12/06/2023 starting at 4PM. The event will be held at the Hesperia Junior High Gymnasium and spectators are welcome! Spectator tickets are $2 per adult and $1 per student. So come out and enjoy some amazing gaming and support our students who are just getting into and learning about the fundamentals of game design and esport career opportunities.
over 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
Elementary Smash Bros  Tournament graphic
Congratulations to the parents that completed the Nutrition Class at Mission Crest Elementary Parent Center. Our Parent Center continues to offer classes for our community. Please see the Mission Crest Website and Facebook page for upcoming classes. Mission Crest's next community class is Financial Class, How Money Works, held on Monday, December 11th and December 17th. We hope to see you there! Felicitaciones a los padres que completaron la clase de nutrición en el centro para padres de la escuela primaria Mission Crest. Nuestro Centro de Padres continúa ofreciendo clases para nuestra comunidad. Consulte el sitio web de Mission Crest y la página de Facebook para conocer las próximas clases. La próxima clase comunitaria de Mission Crest es la clase financiera, Cómo funciona el dinero, que se llevará a cabo los lunes 11 y 17 de diciembre. ¡Esperamos verte ahí!
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Nutrition Class
Nutrition Class
Nutrition Class
Congratulations to Demariea T. from Mrs. Ortiz's Class on being the Charger of the Week for the week of December 4, 2023. Link to video:
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Charger of the Week
The Youth Truth Family Survey is still open. We want to hear from ALL parents. Let your voice be heard. The survey closes 12/15/23. Link to survey: La Encuesta Familiar sobre la Verdad Juvenil todavía está abierta. Queremos escuchar a TODOS los padres. Deja que se escuche tu voz. La encuesta se cierra el 15/12/23. Enlace a la encuesta:
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
YouthTruth Family Survey
HUSD will be hosting its elementary Smash Brothers Tournament on 12/06/2023 starting at 4PM. The event will be held at the Hesperia Junior High Gymnasium and spectators are welcome! Spectator tickets are $2 per adult and $1 per student. So come out and enjoy some amazing gaming and support our students who are just getting into and learning about the fundamentals of game design and esport career opportunities.
over 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
Elementary Smash Bros Tournament Graphic
Programs and services provided by the Child Care Resource Center or CCRC. See the flyers for more information!
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
QR Eng
QR Span
Hello, this is Ryan Plescia, Principal of Mission Crest Elementary School. I am texting to ask for your feedback about your experience as a parent or guardian at Mission Crest. We’ve partnered with the national nonprofit, YouthTruth, to help us gather feedback about what we are doing well, and how we can improve. Between now and 12/15/23, please visit to take the 15 minute anonymous survey online. The survey link is available on our Facebook Page and website. Thank you for the gift of your feedback.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Congratulations to Grace from Mrs. Douglas's Class on being the Charger of the week for the week of December 27, 2023. Video Link:
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Grace, Charger of the Week
Hello Mission Crest Families. As we enter into the Winter months, it is definitely getting colder especially in the mornings. Please dress your child(ren) accordingly. Layer clothing as student will be outside for recesses and PE. Jackets, sweaters, gloves, and other clothing that can be layered are recommended. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call the front office. Hola familias de Mission Crest. A medida que nos adentramos en los meses de invierno, definitivamente hace más frío, especialmente por las mañanas. Por favor vista a su(s) hijo(s) en consecuencia. Póngase ropa en capas ya que el estudiante estará afuera durante los recreos y educación física. Se recomiendan chaquetas, suéteres, guantes y otra ropa que se pueda usar en capas. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en llamar a la oficina principal.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Winter Clothing