We have many resources available on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages. Please be sure to visit them to get more information and have a healthy week!
over 4 years ago, Tiffany Woodmansee
Zoom video tutorials demonstrating: Join Meeting Speaker View/Gallery View Muting/Unmuting Video On/Video Off Raise/Lower Hand Chat and more...... Copy the link below, then paste into an internet browser www.husdfamilyresources.org Find under Explore > Computer Center
over 4 years ago, Family Resource Center - Jodi Majourau
Zoom Video Tutorials
Our Nutrition Services Department still needs your input on meal service. Please fill out the brief survey here: https://bit.ly/3ko9WRk
over 4 years ago, Hesperia Unified
A NEW option for Rosetta Stone English Language Program! Adults interested in using the online Rosetta Stone program can now fill out an online Agreement Form for the 2020 - 2021 school year. Copy and Paste the link below into your browser. https://forms.gle/U89dkire8myBLzXg7
over 4 years ago, Family Resource Center - Jodi Majourau
Rosetta Stone Image
Remote Learning Survival Guide for Parents Webinar Series. As a parent or guardian, you're trying to juggle working from home while simultaneously helping your children with remote learning. In some ways, you have become a Teacher's aid and this can be overwhelming, confusing, and frustrating at times. Ed Tech wants to help set you up for success with this FREE, three-part webinar series. They will be walking you through step-by-step on how to use Google Meet, Calendar, Chrome, Gmail, and Classroom. All of these sessions are for beginners, and we're helping you get set up and feel comfortable navigating these tools to help support your children. GuÍa de aprendizaje a distancia para padres Serie de seminarios web Como padre o tutor, estás intentando hacer malabarismos con el trabajo desde casa y al mismo tiempo, ayudar a tus hijos con el aprendizaje a distancia. De alguna manera, te has convertido en un asistente para el maestro y esto puede ser abrumador, confuso y frustrante en ocasiones. Queremos ayudarlo a prepararse para el éxito con esta serie de seminarios web GRATUITOS y en vivo de tres partes. Lo guiaremos paso a paso sobre cómo usar Google Meet, Calendar, Chrome, Gmail y Classroom. Todas estas sesiones son para principiantes y lo estamos ayudando a configurar y sentirse cómodo navegando por estas herramientas para ayudar a apoyar a sus hijos. Click here for more information edtechteam.lpages.co/remote-survival-guide-parents/
over 4 years ago, Tiffany Woodmansee
If you have an EL (English Language) Student and would like online support, please call our Family Resource Center at (760) 244-4411 ext. 6776. Si tiene un estudiante EL (idioma inglés) y le gustaría recibir ayuda en línea, por favor llame a nuestro Centro de Recursos Familiares al (760) 244-4411 ext. 6776
over 4 years ago, Tiffany Woodmansee
2020-21 Pre-K Enrollment update: Letters were mailed out on Tuesday, July 21, 2020. If your child was accepted into our program, instructions were provided in the letter. If your child was placed on the waiting list, someone will be in contact with you once a spot is available. If you have any questions please call us at 760-244-4411 ext 6777 or ext 6776.
over 4 years ago, Tiffany Woodmansee
The Pre-K Academy Students are doing wonderful work at home, and we would like to showcase their hard work. Keep up the fantastic job! Visit the Gallery webpage @ https://www.husdfamilyresources.org/o/husd-family-resource-center/page/distance-learning-pre-k-academy
almost 5 years ago, Family Resource Center - Jodi Majourau
Pre-K Student work Gallery
Pre-K Academy Enrollment Update! View instructions for enrollment in the attached image or on The Family Resource Center's Website @ https://www.husdfamilyresources.org/
almost 5 years ago, Family Resource Center - Jodi Majourau
Pre-K Academy Enrollment Update
Family Resource Center Update: All classes are cancelled til further notice. Please refer to our website for updates and resources @ https://www.husdfamilyresources.org/
almost 5 years ago, Family Resource Center - Jodi Majourau
Family Resource Center Update
Flapjack Breakfast supporting HUSD's Caring Closet at the Applebee's in Apple Valley. February 1, 2020 (8 AM - 10 AM). $10/person. Children 5 & under are free. For more info call (760)244-4411 ext. 6776 or stop by the Family Resource Center at 15776 Main St. Suite 8, Hesperia.
about 5 years ago, Family Resource Center - Jodi Majourau
Flapjack Fundraiser
Office closed December 19, 2019 - January 5, 2020. Enjoy the season with your family and friends. Have a safe and memorable winter break.
about 5 years ago, Family Resource Center - Jodi Majourau
Office closed Coffee break
The Family Resource Center will be closed for Thanksgiving, November 25 - 29, 2019. Enjoy!
over 5 years ago, Family Resource Center - Jodi Majourau
Thanksgiving Break
Basic Math for GED Preparation at the Family Resource Center. Every Wednesday from 9 am to 11:30 am, starting September 4, 2019. Spanish only. Space is limited, call to register. (760)244-4411 ext. 6776
over 5 years ago, Family Resource Center - Jodi Majourau
Basic Math for GED Preparation
Hesperia Unified School District is pleased to announce that we will be using the Raptor Visitor Management System in all of our schools as part of our campus safety programs for students and faculty. All visitors, volunteers, and visiting staff will be asked to present a government-issued ID, such as a Driver’s License, state ID, etc. The Raptor system only checks the visitor's name and date of birth for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders. No other data from the ID is gathered or recorded. The system is not connected to any other database such as the Department of Motor Vehicles, and information is not shared with any outside agency. This implementation will help increase the efficiency in our offices, allowing District-approved volunteers to spend their valuable time in classrooms instead of in the front office. Thank you, in advance, for your support in enhancing safety in our schools. #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
over 5 years ago, Hesperia Unified
New Sign In Process
There is NO SCHOOL on Friday, May 24th for a planned Snow Day or Monday, May 27th in observance of Memorial Day. Juniper Elementary has school tomorrow May 24th to make up for an unplanned school closure on March 6, 2019, caused by an electrical outage. Enjoy your long weekend! We'll see you back for our last three days of this school year beginning Tuesday, May 28th!
almost 6 years ago, Hesperia Unified
No School May 24th or May 27th
We are loving our new app! Access student stories, staff contact information, cafeteria menus, news, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/2F1j1is or iPhone: https://apple.co/2Fjk8tt.
almost 6 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Mobile App
We’re thrilled to announce Hesperia Unified School District’s new app! Stay Connected, Stay Informed, Stay Hesperia. Download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/2F1j1is or iOS: https://apple.co/2Fjk8tt. https://youtu.be/VHswGs_0DKU
almost 6 years ago, Hesperia Unified
New HUSD App from Apple App and Google Play stores
Tobacco Free Me! Educational Prevention Program Presented by CHAN - Community Health Action Network Thursday, April 25, 2019 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Be educated on the effects of Secondhand Smoke, Vaping, E-Cigs, Oils, Juice, Wax, Local and State Policy
almost 6 years ago, Family Resource Center - Jodi Majourau
Tobacco Free Me Flyer
2019/2020 Pre-K Academy Free! Quality! 4 Day Preschool Applications available March 25, 2019 9 AM - 3 PM To qualify: Child must be 4 yrs old by 12/2/19, Live within HUSD boundaries, Toilet trained, Provide required documents. Questions?? Call (760)244-4411 ext. 6776 or 6777
almost 6 years ago, Family Resource Center - Jodi Majourau
Pre K Academy School House image