Day 138 of AWESOME! eSports team pride!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #esports #teampride #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 137 of AWESOME! A rubber chicken!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #funny #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 136 of AWESOME! A visit from our incoming Roadrunners!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #littleroadrunners #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

All schools and district offices will be closed for Spring Break from March 25th to March 29th and reopen Monday, April 1st.

Day 135 of AWESOME! Staff vs. Student basketball game with the students coming out victorious!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #studentsvsstaff #winners #memories #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

HUSD Games coming Spring 2024 • Follow @HUSDGames on Instagram for the latest updates. This inaugural fitness event will unite and uplift students with disabilities across the Hesperia Unified School District. 🏅

Day 134 of AWESOME! Math relay race in Mrs. Adlings class!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #mathiscool #mathisfun #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 133 of AWESOME! HUSD Teacher Fair, looking for some awesome new team members!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomestaff #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 132 of AWESOME! Ms. Drena, our front receptionist helping our school community!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomestaff #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Roadrunner Family, please don't forget that Friday, March 22nd will be a minimum day. School will be released at 1:03 pm.
Familia Roadrunner, por favor no olviden que el Viernes 22 de Marzo será un día mínimo. Las clases saldrán a la 1:03 pm.

Day 131 of AWESOME! Students with great behavior got to enjoy Fun Friday!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #hangout #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 130 of AWESOME! Pi day!!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #piday2024 #mathematicians #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 129 of AWESOME! Ms. Varner, our Attendance Specialist, helping out parents and students daily!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomestaff #attendancelady #helpingeveryday #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 128 of AWESOME! Our Office Mascot, Douglas!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomefish #betta #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 127 of AWESOME! Watching our Girls Basketball team play in the semi-finals!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #basketball #ladyroadrunners #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 126 of AWESOME! Showing HHS some love!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #soontobefreshmen #scorpioncountry #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 125 of AWESOME! Jumping for joy!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Calling all angels! Can you help put a yearbook into the hands of a student who otherwise might not get one? Sponsor a student with a 23-24 yearbook today! See below for details. #webleedblue #hjhroadrunners

Day 124 of AWESOME! 8th grade field trip to Hesperia High!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #scorpioncountry #asb #peprally #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 123 of AWESOME! Honor Orchestra and Honor Band all dressed up to perform in their concerts!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #represent #impressive #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD