To ensure our students have a safe learning environment, HUSD schools require health, safety and accessibility improvements.
As we consider various options for updating our schools, we are seeking feedback from the community. Make your voice heard and join us tonight at 6pm.

ATTENTION FEDERAL EMPLOYEES: Catholic Charities is offering food vouchers for all federal employees and their families affected by the current shutdown. Call Alejandra Diaz at (760) 243-1100 for more information.

HUSD will be closed on Monday, January 21, 2019, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. day. Classes resume on Tuesday, January 22, 2019. Please have a safe three day weekend!

We are preparing to run in the Great Hesperian Relay! Check out our live stream on https://www.facebook.com/HesperiaUnified in about 20 minutes as we run to Joshua Circle Elementary! #GHR2018 #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD #EUCthereItIs

HUSD will be closed next week November 19, 2018 through November 23, 2018 for Fall Break. Classes will resume on Monday, November 26, 2018. Please have a safe and fun week!

HUSD will be closed on Monday, November 12, 2018 in observance of Veterans Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, November 13, 2018. Please have a safe 3 day weekend!


Daylight saving time ends Sunday. Set your clock back one hour before going to bed Saturday night, November 3rd.

HUSD will be closed on September 3, 2018 in observance of Labor Day. Classes will resume on September 4, 2018. Please have a safe and fun 3 day weekend!