Hello HUSD families. As we plan for next school year, we need your input on how best to meet the educational and health and safety needs of our students and families. Please complete the survey below by Friday, June 5th to help us with our planning. Thank you for your time. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSebW3QuWDStjUGiZSgf6PufRYX7Ll0y3IImaIgymddzmdUUlQ/viewform?usp=sf_link Hola familias del Distrito escolar unificado de Hesperia (HUSD). Conforme planeamos nuestro siguiente ciclo escolar, necesitamos de sus aportaciones sobre cómo satisfacer de mejor manera las necesidades académicas, y de salud y seguridad de nuestros alumnos y familias. Por favor, llene la siguiente encuesta a más tardar para el viernes, 5 de junio, para ayudarnos con nuestra planeación. Gracias por su tiempo. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSebW3QuWDStjUGiZSgf6PufRYX7Ll0y3IImaIgymddzmdUUlQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
over 4 years ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Hola, Padres De Euc! Sus estudiantes puede que aún tengan materiales en la escuela que necesitan que recoger, junto con sus boletas de calificaciones. Hoy es el ultimo dia que estaremos entregando artículos. Después de el dia de hoy usted necesitará que llamar la oficina y dejarnos saber que le gustaría venir. Usted podrá recoger los materiales entre las 9 am a 2 pm. Después de el 5 de Junio todos los artículos estudiantiles serán donados o descartados. También, favor de entregar libros de la biblioteca escolar si tienen alguno. Los alumnos estarán permitidos quedarse con sus Chromebooks por el verano hasta el comienzo del año escolar entrante, incluyendo a los de 6to año que estarán entrando a la escuela intermedia, para ayudarlos con su continuo aprendizaje. Si usted se está moviendo y no se quedará con HUSD, favor de entregar los Chromebooks. Por favor tenga en cuenta que solo habrá apoyo técnico hasta el 23 de Junio, disponible en eucalyptus support@hesperiausd.org.
over 4 years ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Last Day
Hello, Euc Parents! Your students may still have some materials at school that you need to pick up, along with their report cards. Today is the last day we will be handing out these items. After today you will need to call the office to let us know you are coming. You will be able to pick up your items between 9am to 2pm. After June 5th any leftover student items will be donated or discarded. Also, please return any library books you have checked out at this time. Students are being allowed to keep their Chromebooks through the summer until the beginning of the next school year, including 6th graders going to the junior high, to assist them with their continued learning. If you are moving and not staying with HUSD, please turn them in at this time. Please be advised that there will be tech support only through June 23rd, available at eucalyptussupport@hesperiausd.org.
over 4 years ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Last Day!
Euc Parents: Thank you for all of your support, hard work, and enthusiasm during this challenging school year. We'd like to wish all of you a safe, healthy, and enjoyable summer. Please note, if your child is planning to attend a Hesperia Unified School District school next year, you do not have to return your Chromebook until school resumes in the fall. If your child will not be attending a Hesperia Unified School District school next year, then please contact our school office to arrange for a drop off time for your Chromebook.
over 4 years ago, Chris Mauger
Hello, Euc Parents! Your students may still have some materials at school that you want to pick up, along with their report cards. We will be handing out these items this week. Also, please return any library books you have checked out at this time. Students are being allowed to keep their Chromebooks through the summer until the beginning of the next school year, including 6th graders going to the junior high, to assist them with their continued learning. If you are moving and not staying with HUSD, please turn them in at this time. Please be advised that there will be tech support only through June 23rd, available at eucalyptussupport@hesperiausd.org. Here is our pickup schedule, please drive through the bus lane at your grade level's scheduled time. Wednesday, May 26- TK and Kindergarten @ 9:00am Thursday, May 27- 1st @ 9:00am 2nd @ 10:00am 3rd @ 11:00am Friday, May 28- 4th @ 9:00am 5th @ 10:00am 6th @ 11:00am Hola, padres de Euc! Sus estudiantes puede que aún tengan materiales en la escuela que necesitan que recoger, junto con sus boletas de calificaciones. Esta semana entregaremos estos artículos. También favor de entregar libros de la biblioteca escolar si tienen alguno. Los alumnos estarán permitidos quedarse con sus Chromebooks por el verano hasta el comienzo del año escolar entrante, incluyendo a los de 6to año que estarán entrando a la escuela intermedia, para ayudarlos con su continuo aprendizaje. Si usted se está moviendo y no se quedará con HUSD, favor de entregar los Chromebooks. Por favor tenga en cuenta que solo habrá apoyo técnico hasta el 23 de Junio, disponible en eucalyptussupport@hesperiausd.org. Aquí están nuestros horarios para recoger, por favor maneje por el carril de autobuses a el horario asignado basado en el grado. Miercoles, Mayo 26- TK y Kinder a las 9:00am Jueves, Mayo 27- 1ro a las 9:00am 2do a las 10:00am 3ro a las 11:00am Friday, May 28- 4to a las 9:00am 5to a las 10:00am 6to a las 11:00am
over 4 years ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
This is a reminder that if your child has belongings in the classroom, you will need to pick them up this week at the following times. TK/K on Wed. at 9. On Thursday, 1st grade at 9, 2nd grade at 10, and 3rd grade at 11. Friday, 4th grade at 9, 5th grade at 10, 6th grade at 11.
over 4 years ago, Chris Mauger
Hello, Eucalyptus parents! Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey about our school community! Your feedback is very important to us, so we'd love to hear your opinions. https://forms.gle/vEick5h8TJGSw4SQ7 Hola, padres de Eucalyptus! Por favor tome unos minutos para llenar esta encuesta sobre nuestra comunidad escolar! Sus respuestas son muy importantes para nosotros, nos encantaría escuchar su opinión. https://forms.gle/XRYBPgr5hrHa2yhb7
over 4 years ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Hello Eucalyptus Families! Hesperia USD will continue to offer free meals for children during the month of June. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
over 4 years ago, Eucalyptus Elementary School
Hesperia USD Free Summer Meals Flyer
Hello, Euc Parents! Your students may still have some materials at school that you want to pick up, along with their report cards. We will be handing out these items next week. Also, please return any library books you have checked out at this time. Students are being allowed to keep their Chromebooks through the summer until the beginning of the next school year, including 6th graders going to the junior high, to assist them with their continued learning. If you are moving and not staying with HUSD, please turn them in at this time. Please be advised that there will be tech support only through June 23rd, available at eucalyptussupport@hesperiausd.org. Here is our pickup schedule, please drive through the bus lane at your grade level's scheduled time. Wednesday, May 26- TK and Kindergarten @ 9:00am Thursday, May 27- 1st @ 9:00am 2nd @ 10:00am 3rd @ 11:00am Friday, May 28- 4th @ 9:00am 5th @ 10:00am 6th @ 11:00am Hola, padres de Euc! Sus estudiantes puede que aún tengan materiales en la escuela que necesitan que recoger, junto con sus boletas de calificaciones. Estaremos entregando estos artículos la semana entrante. También favor de entregar libros de la biblioteca escolar si tienen alguno. Los alumnos estarán permitidos quedarse con sus Chromebooks por el verano hasta el comienzo del año escolar entrante, incluyendo a los de 6to año que estarán entrando a la escuela intermedia, para ayudarlos con su continuo aprendizaje. Si usted se está moviendo y no se quedará con HUSD, favor de entregar los Chromebooks. Por favor tenga en cuenta que solo habrá apoyo técnico hasta el 23 de Junio, disponible en eucalyptussupport@hesperiausd.org. Aquí están nuestros horarios para recoger, por favor maneje por el carril de autobuses a el horario asignado basado en el grado. Miercoles, Mayo 26- TK y Kinder a las 9:00am Jueves, Mayo 27- 1ro a las 9:00am 2do a las 10:00am 3ro a las 11:00am Friday, May 28- 4to a las 9:00am 5to a las 10:00am 6to a las 11:00am
over 4 years ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Hello TK, Kinder, and 1st grade parents! Tomorrow, May 5th, from 9am to 11:30am we will be distributing work packets for students. These packets are for the month of May. If you are a TK or Kindergarten parent, please pull through the Kinder drop-off area and we will place these in your trunk for you. If you are a 1st grade parent, please pull through the Bus Lane and we will place these in the trunk for you. Thank you, and we can’t wait to see you! Hola padres de TK, Kinder, y 1er grado! Manana 5 de Mayo, de 9am a 11:30am distribuiremos los paquetes de trabajo para los estudiantes. Estos paquetes son para el mes de Mayo. Si usted es padre de familia de un estudiante TK o Kinder, por favor venga al área designada para la entrega de los estudiantes, y colocaremos el paquete en su maletero. Si usted es padre de un estudiante de 1er grado pase por el carril de autobús y colocaremos el paquete en su maletero. Gracias y no podemos esperar a verlos!
over 4 years ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Hello Eucalyptus Families, Next week is Teacher Appreciation Week, and we would love to have our students post a “Teacher Appreciation” photo for them. Find our Facebook post on Monday and share your pictures, videos, messages, and signs with us. Our teachers have been working hard and they miss their students. This is a fun way to show them that we appreciate everything they are doing. We will see you on Facebook and look forward to seeing what the students share! Hola Familias De Eucalyptus, La semana entrante es la Semana De Apreciación Del Maestro, y nos encantaría que nuestros estudiantes publicaran una foto con ellos para la “Apreciación Del Maestro”. Encuentre nuestra publicación el Lunes y comparta sus fotos, videos, mensajes, y letreros con nosotros. Nuestros maestros han estado trabajando muy duro y extrañan a sus alumnos. Esta es una forma divertida de mostrarles que apreciamos todo lo que están haciendo. Nos vemos en Facebook y esperamos ver lo que compartan los estudiantes!
over 4 years ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Hello TK, Kinder, and 1st grade parents! Tuesday, May 5th, from 9am to 11:30am we will be distributing work packets for students. These packets are for the month of May. If you are a TK or Kindergarten parent, please pull through the Kinder drop-off area and we will place these in your trunk for you. If you are a 1st grade parent, please pull through the Bus Lane and we will place these in the trunk for you. Thank you, and we can’t wait to see you! Hola padres de TK, Kinder, y 1er grado! Martes 5 de Mayo, de 9am a 11:30am distribuiremos los paquetes de trabajo para los estudiantes. Estos paquetes son para el mes de Mayo. Si usted es padre de familia de un estudiante TK o Kinder, por favor venga al área designada para la entrega de los estudiantes, y colocaremos el paquete en su maletero. Si usted es padre de un estudiante de 1er grado pase por el carril de autobús y colocaremos el paquete en su maletero. Gracias y no podemos esperar a verlos!
over 4 years ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Any new students wishing to enroll at Eucalyptus Elementary School may call the school at (760) 949-0815 and/or email registration staff at EucalyptusRegistration@hesperiausd.org
almost 5 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Hello, Parents! If you are having any difficulty with your child's Chromebook, please use the following (corrected!) links to see our Frequently Asked Questions. Thanks! English: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11f2Fx6g6QSc3cxov-udpARP3tOa_o70e/view?usp=sharing Spanish: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FpFUpuKnNgol_dkrAdwYCGHyzIatMDsj/view?usp=sharing
almost 5 years ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
ATTENTION PARENTS: If you have Chromebook issues at home, please check our FAQ page to help you with a solution. English: https://drive.google.com/…/1324sj1n_PGWe_7eiL35OMk1Qm…/view… Spanish: https://drive.google.com/…/1UJmjVfrwAESnlLfpNwLwWmcBo…/view…
almost 5 years ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Eucalyptus Families, Have we told you lately that we miss you? Well, we do! So we are coming to your neighborhood on April 1st. We hope to see your smiling faces, from a safe distance of course! We will post details of our route Wednesday morning on our Facebook page and school website. See you soon! Familias de la escuela Eucalyptus, ¿Les hemos dicho a todos ustedes cuánto los extrañamos? ¡Pues, los extrañamos mucho! Es por esa razón que vamos a ir a su vecindario abril 1. Esperamos ver sus caras sonrientes, claro que de una distancia segura. Estaremos poniendo los detalles de nuestra ruta el miércoles por la mañana en nuestra página de Facebook y en nuestro sitio escolar. ¡Nos veremos pronto!
almost 5 years ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Staff Parade
Hello Eucalyptus families, We miss you all and hope you are safe and well. We will be distributing Chromebooks for online distance learning. Parents, at your designated time, please pull up through the bus lane and have your student's name and their teacher's name on a piece of paper, if possible, and place in the passenger side window. When you pull up, we will ask you to open your trunk and we will place the Chromebook in the trunk. This will ensure our safety as well as yours. See you on Thursday or Friday. Stay safe! *If you have more than one student, we will distribute all of their Chromebooks at the same time. Hola familias de la escuela Eucalyptus, Los extrañamos mucho y esperamos que estén bien y seguros. Estaremos distribuyendo los Chromebooks para iniciar la educación a distancia. En la fecha y hora que se ha designado para su estudiante, favor de llegar al área de los autobuses y pongan en un papel el nombre del estudiante y nombre del maestro. Si es posible, favor de mostrar el papel en la ventana del lado del pasajero. Cuando se estacione, les vamos a pedir que abra la cajuela (maletero) y nosotros pondremos el Chromebook. Esto nos ayuda con nuestra seguridad y la seguridad de ustedes. Nos vemos el jueves o viernes. ¡Cuídense mucho!
almost 5 years ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Chromebook Distribution
Good evening Eucalyptus families and staff. Due to the order by the Governor to stay home, the phones will not be on tomorrow. We are so sorry for the inconvenience. Please keep watching our Facebook page or checking the district website for current information. Have a good evening and stay safe!
almost 5 years ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Hello Eucalyptus families! This is just a quick message to let you know that our Office is open for phone calls from 8am to 10am. We will be closed March 23rd through 27th for Spring Break. Thank you for your support during this unprecedented time and please make sure you are checking the Hesperia School District website and Facebook page for current updates. We miss you all and hope you are safe and well. Hola familias de Eucalyptus! Este es solo un mensaje rápido para dejarle saber que nuestra Oficina está abierta para llamadas telefónicas de 8am a 10am. Estaremos cerrados Marzo 23 al 27 por las vacaciones de primavera. Gracias por su apoyo durante este tiempo sin precedentes y asegúrese de visitar el sitio web del Distrito de Hesperia y la página de Facebook para obtener actualizaciones actuales. Los extrañamos a todos y esperamos que esten seguros y bien.
almost 5 years ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Based on the recommendation from the state of California, it is recommended non essential gatherings be postponed at this time. The Family Paint Night scheduled for March 20th has been postponed. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. HUSD will continue to keep us informed as protocols change.
almost 5 years ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners