Fall Break - No School November 21st - 25th
about 2 years ago, Eucalyptus Elementary
No School
No School November 11th
about 2 years ago, Eucalyptus Elementary
No School
No School November 11th
about 2 years ago, Eucalyptus Elementary
No School
The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is a Desert/Mountain SELPA Community Advisory Committee that offers a chance for parents and educators to share their voice about Special Education. They provide the opportunity for the community to come together to talk, share dinner, and learn from guest speakers. The next CAC meeting will be held at the HUSD District Office Annex on Thursday, November 17th at 5:30 PM. Our very own Hesperia Unified School District Police will be presenting! This event is FREE and dinner is provided for all registered attendees. Please see the attached flyer for details.
about 2 years ago, Eucalyptus Elementary
Parent Workshop
Spanish Workshop
Parents, please be aware that some criminal drug networks are using social media and smartphone apps to flood the U.S. with deadly fentanyl and fentanyl-laced fake pills. Monitor your children's social media and phone usage to prevent these criminals from preying on them. #OnePillCanKill Learn more at https://www.husdpd.com/o/husd-police-department/page/fentanyl-resources
about 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Hello Eucalyptus Families, Our Fall Festival is right around the corner and our staff, students and community are getting excited for the event. We wanted to give you more information and a map of what will be happening and where. Please click on the following link to view the presentation. There are multiple slides so please make sure to check them all out. Spanish slides are toward the end. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1mSS76A_vHR6VckkpRgGDMkCMZZlSj8cVsDZ_z9up6I0/present?slide=id.gb6b3014412_1_239
about 2 years ago, Eucalyptus Elementary
Fall Festival
Our parent workshop was fabulous!! Thank you to all of the parents who attended and participated. There was some great information on Growth Mindset and great feedback from our attending families. If you missed today's meeting you can still attend at one of our other partnering schools. The next event is on November 2nd @ Mesa Grande Elementary! We would love to see you there.
about 2 years ago, Eucalyptus Elementary
Parent Workshop
We are all ready for today's parent workshop! See you at 2 pm, at Eucalyptus! Estamos listos para el taller de padres de hoy! Nos vemos a las 2 pm, en Eucalyptus!
about 2 years ago, Eucalyptus Elementary
We have our PTC meeting today at 3:00pm. If you would like to join via Zoom please click on the following link: https://hesperiausd-org.zoom.us/j/83870351156?pwd=VmVVN1RuOHl3UEFEU1ZKSEpIZENVZz09
about 2 years ago, Eucalyptus Elementary
We will be participating in the Great American Shake Out on Thursday, October 20 at 10:20am by having our earthquake drill at school. This is also a good time to discuss with your family what to do if there is an earthquake while at home. Here is a small clip for more info: https://youtu.be/ss6difNAtug
about 2 years ago, Eucalyptus Elementary
Brightly-colored fentanyl (referred to as rainbow fentanyl) has been identified as a new trend according to the United States (U.S.) Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). Rainbow fentanyl can be found in many forms, including pills, powder, and blocks that can resemble sidewalk chalk or candy. Any pill (regardless of its color, shape, or size) that does not come from a health care provider or pharmacist can contain fentanyl and can be deadly. For more information you can visit the DEA website here: https://www.dea.gov/press-releases/2022/08/30/dea-warns-brightly-colored-fentanyl-used-target-young-americans
about 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Rainbow Fentanyl
Rainbow Fentanyl
Rainbow Fentanyl
Hello Eucalyptus Families, We are getting ready for our Fall Festival on Friday, November 4th. To help our event be successful we need candy donations. Two winning classes that collect the most candy will win….Breakfast with the Principals! We will be collecting candy the entire month of October. Help our event be successful by donating candy! The last day of candy donations is November 2nd. We are also looking for volunteers to help. If you are interested in helping the night of the event please contact Ms. Silvia at silvia.romero-silva@hesperiausd.org Thank you for your help and support!!
over 2 years ago, Eucalyptus Elementary
Don't forget! We have picture day on Monday, October 17th, the day we return from break! Please contact your students teacher for information on purchasing school pictures. Bring your smile! :)
over 2 years ago, Eucalyptus Elementary
Don't forget! We have picture day on Monday, October 17th, the day we return from break! Please contact your students teacher for information on purchasing school pictures. Bring your smile! :)
October Break! No School October 10th - 14th
over 2 years ago, Eucalyptus Elementary
No School
Good Morning Everyone! We wanted to send out two reminders. We are NORMAL day today. Only the High Schools and Jr. Highs are having a short day. Eucalyptus is a NORMAL day and school ends at 2:35. Also, there is no school next week for October Break. We will see you back on Monday, October 17th.
over 2 years ago, Eucalyptus Elementary
October Break! No School October 10th-14th
over 2 years ago, Eucalyptus Elementary
No School
Minimum Day Bus Drop Off Times begin tomorrow! Please click on the link below to view: ¡El horario mínimo de entrega de autobuses de día comienza mañana! Por favor, haga clic en el enlace de abajo para ver: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gj79DFQDe2d9ZAyni8frri3u6UZmpBK1/view?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Eucalyptus Elementary
Reminder! We have our PTC meeting today starting at 3:00pm at Eucalyptus Elementary. If you are unable to attend in person you can still participate via Zoom. Please click the following link to join us at 3:00 today! https://hesperiausd-org.zoom.us/j/89977532396?pwd=WGtDOVNaUTlYYy9nS1E1aWVpUFdhdz09
over 2 years ago, Eucalyptus Elementary
Parents! We need your help! Please click on the following link and fill out the income form for our free breakfast and lunch program. This also helps us with school funding. Submit the survey online by visiting http://lunches.hesperiausd.org and clicking on the orange "Titan" logo/link. Thank you!!
over 2 years ago, Eucalyptus Elementary
Save the Date! Picture Day will be Monday, October 17th. Picture Day packets will be sent home prior to October Break.
over 2 years ago, Eucalyptus Elementary
Save the Date! Picture Day will be Monday, October 17th. Picture Day packets will be sent home prior to October Break.