Hesperia Unified School District
15776 Main Street, Hesperia, CA 92345
School Attendance Review Board Meeting Agenda
March 29, 2022
Special meeting via Zoom
Reasonable accommodation for any individual with a disability: In compliance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable
accommodation in order to participate in the public meetings of the District’s SARB may request assistance by contacting the SARB office, (760) 244-4411, ext. 7256 or 7387 Public documents related to open session agenda items are available for review by the public at the Administration and Educational Support Center, located at 15576 Main Street, Hesperia, CA.
SARB Agenda
1:00 P.M. – Call to Order
1. Roll Call
2. Welcome and Introductions
3. Public Comment from the Audience. This is the time and place for the general public to
address the School Attendance Review Board on any item on the Agenda or within the
Board’s jurisdiction. Please limit comments to five minutes per individual.
4. Approval of the 2022 By Laws
5. Closed Session. Pursuant to Education Code section 48912, the Board may hold closed
sessions to consider an action against a pupil.
6. Reconvene in Open Session
7. Reporting out of Closed Session
8. Next Meeting Date – Tuesday, April 5, 2022
9. Adjournment
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