Job Listing Websites:
CalJOBS - job search with resume builder if you create a free account
Indeed - job search website
Snagajob - make sure to use the filter just for teens!!
Career One Stop - careers, training, job search
Job Corps - trades, careers, and even earn your diploma
Peace Corps - volunteer opportunities to make a difference
Resumé Builders & Tips:
Other Resources:
Resumé Builders & Tips:
General Tips:
Have a parent or teacher proofread your resumé.
Spell out everything on your resumé. Do not use abbreviations like "St." for "Street" or "Ave." for "Avenue."
If you have to mail your resumé, do not fold it, use a large envelope to send it.
Keep resumé clean, with no smudges, tears, or folds.
Do not use a font larger than 20.
Don't get too fancy with your resumé unless you are applying for an advertising or related position.
Only include your GPA if it is 3.0 or higher.
Always include area codes with each phone number.
Your Name should be the largest & boldest print on the resumé.
Mr. Jace Biendara (Work Experience Coordinator)
Preferred contact by email:
Site schedule:
Monday: Oak Hills HS
Tuesday: Hesperia HS
Wednesday: Canyon Ridge HS/Mojave HS
Thursday: Sultana HS
Friday: Shadow Ridge HS/By appointment (contact me via email at
Do I need a Work Permit?
Yes, if:
You are not 18 years old.
Have been offered a job, have changed jobs, or are currently working.
No, if:
You are already 18 (even if you have not graduated yet).
You are looking for a job, are applying or interviewing, but haven’t been offered a position yet.
You are self-employed
How to Obtain a Work Permit:
Students will pick up a Work Permit Application from their library or counseling/career office.
Students will complete Minor’s Information and School Information.
A parent or legal guardian must sign their portion of the form.
Students must return completed applications with all signatures to the library or counseling office and email me at to let me know that it has been turned in. I will check grades, attendance, and behavior to make sure the student qualifies. Scans or pictures of docs are helpful but do not replace actual documents.
Students will be contacted when the Work Permit is ready for pick up (24 to 48 hours).
“Wet” signatures are required by myself and the student on the actual permit, so I must meet with them to issue the permit. Digital copies or digital signatures are not permitted.
Students must take the completed Permit to Employ and Work (Form B1-4) back to the employer.
Work permit applications can also be printed from the following link:
HUSD and B1-1 forms must be signed by the student, guardian, and employer.
The student’s social security number is required to process a work permit.
Student ID will be verified through district records.
The completed “official” work permit is signed by the student and the Work Experience Coordinator.
Digital copies or digital signatures are not permitted.
Each new job requires a new work permit.
A minimum 2.0 GPA, good attendance, and behavior are required for a work permit.
ALL work permits expire 5 Days after the new school year begins.
Summer Work Permits
Are available through the district office by contacting Student Services at 760-244-4411 ext.7449
District Office summer hours: Monday - Thursday 8-5 (Closed week of July 4th)
Work permit applications can be printed from the following link:
Want To Earn Elective Credit While Working?
Speak with your counselor or visit me when I am at your site and ask about my Work Experience Class (Independent study with one class meeting per week).
Earn 5 Elective Credits per semester if you complete all assigned classwork and work on the job at least 90 hours in the semester.
You can work longer hours per day as a Work Experience Student (up to 8 hrs vs. 4 hrs per day)
You can work past 10 pm if approved by your Employer and Parents (up to 12:30 am)
Questions? Contact Jace Biendara by email at
Labor Law Information:
-For more information on youth employment laws, visit the YouthRules! Web site: or call toll-free 1-866-4US-WAGE (1-866-487- 9243).
-For more information on California Labor Laws:
-Where to File a wage or other labor-related complaint with the California Department of Labor:
-For additional information on the Fair Labor Standards Act and other labor-related topics, visit the Wage and Hour Division Web site: and/or call their toll-free information and helpline @ 1-866-4US-WAGE (1-866-487-9243), available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. pacific standard time.
-When state youth employment laws differ from the Federal provisions, an employer must comply with the higher standard. Links to your state labor department:
HUSD - Preparing Today’s Student for Tomorrow’s World
Hesperia Unified School District is committed to providing a working and learning environment free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying. For more information regarding nondiscrimination, please click here.