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Over the weekend Hesperia Junior High hosted our annual iExpo. The purpose of Hesperia Unified School District’s Imagination Expo (iExpo) is to inspire students to become next-generation innovators and leaders. We offer seven Challenges in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Improv, Visual Arts, Service Learning, Structural, Technical, and Early Learning. Each Challenge is open-ended and enables students to learn and experience the creative and engineering process from imagination to innovation. While working to solve our Challenges, teams learn 21st-century skills (creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, citizenship, and courage). We had eighty-eight teams participate from elementary, middle, and high school. 

OVERALL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WINNER FOR 2021-2022 iEXPO:  Topaz Preparatory Academy

OVERALL MIDDLE SCHOOL WINNER FOR 2021-2022 iEXPO: Ranchero Middle School 

OVERALL HIGH SCHOOL WINNER FOR 2021-2022 iEXPO: Hesperia High School

Thank you to Hesperia Junior High and their staff for hosting, to the parents for attending and cheering on the students, and to the coaches and teachers for getting the kids ready to compete.

Congratulations to our winners and a job well done to all the teams that participated. We look forward to next year's event!


iExpo Students

iExpo Students

iExpo Students

iExpo Students

iExpo Students

Trash island

iExpo Students

iExpo Students